** One-element Test: ** (via *UMAT procedure) ** ** Model is intended to represent a single crystal metallic bar ** subjected to uniaxial tension ** ** This program is based on the "finite strain" version of the ** constitutive law of a single crystal metal following the Schmid ** rule, with various hardening options. It involves a single ** element. ** *************************************************************************** ** ** The UMAT associated with this file has been modified to correct ** an error in the way in which the Bassani & Wu hardening law ** was implemented. For more information, see comment number five ** in the UMAT. ** ** The changes require only one modification to the input file. ** The number of "state dependent variables" (i.e. the DEPVAR command) ** must be increased to account for the additional state variables. ** The comment lines near the DEPVAR command in this input file have ** been modified to reflect the changes made in the UMAT. ** ** An addendum to the manuscript which describes this UMAT (Huang, Y., ** A User-Material Subroutine Incorporating Single Crystal Plasticity ** in the ABAQUS Finite Element Program, Mech Report 178, Harvard ** University, 1991.) can be obtained from the same source. ** ** Jeffrey W. Kysar ** November, 1997 ** kysar@esag.harvard.edu ** ************************************************************************** ** *HEADING Single-Crystal One Element Model; Finite Strain and Finite Rotation ** ** lengths in mm, stress and moduli in MPa ** *NODE, NSET=NODEALL 1, 0., 0., 0. 2, 0., 10., 0. 3, 0., 10., 10. 4, 0., 0., 10. 5, 100., 0., 0. 6, 100., 10., 0. 7, 100., 10., 10. 8, 100., 0., 10. 9, 0., 5., 0. 10, 0., 10., 5. 11, 0., 5., 10. 12, 0., 0., 5. 13, 100., 5., 0. 14, 100., 10., 5. 15, 100., 5., 10. 16, 100., 0., 5. 17, 50., 0., 0. 18, 50., 10., 0. 19, 50., 10., 10. 20, 50., 0., 10. ** *ELEMENT, TYPE=C3D20R 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 *ELSET,ELSET=ONE 1 ** *BOUNDARY 1,PINNED 2,1 2,3 3,1 4,1 9,1 10,1 11,1 12,1 ** ** *SOLID SECTION, ELSET=ONE, MATERIAL=CRYSTAL *MATERIAL,NAME=CRYSTAL ** *USER MATERIAL,CONSTANTS=160,UNSYMM ** ** All the constants below must be real numbers! ** 168400., 121400., 75400. , ** c11 , c12 , c44 , (elastic constants of copper crystal) ** MPa , MPa , MPa , ** 0. , ** constants only used for an elastic orthotropic or anisotropic material ** MPa , ** 0. , ** constants only used for an elastic anisotropic material ** MPa , ** ** The elastic constants above are relative to crystal axes, where ** 1 -- [100], 2 -- [010], 3 -- [001] . These elastic constants ** are arranged in the following order: ** eight constants each line (data card) ** ** (1) isotropic: ** E , Nu (Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio) ** 0. ** 0. ** ** (2) cubic: ** c11 , c12 , c44 ** 0. ** 0. ** ** (3) orthotropic: ** D1111, D1122, D2222, D1133, D2233, D3333, D1212, D1313, ** D2233 ** 0. ** ** (4) anisotropic: ** D1111, D1122, D2222, D1133, D2233, D3333, D1112, D2212, ** D3312, D1212, D1113, D2213, D3313, D1213, D1313, D1123, ** D2223, D3323, D1223, D1323, D2323 ** ** 1. , ** number of sets of slip systems ** -- , ** 1. , 1. , 1. , 1. , 1. , 0. , ** normal to slip plane , slip direction , of the 1st set ** -- , -- , -- , -- , -- , -- , ** 0. , ** normal to slip plane , slip direction , of the 2nd set ** -- , -- , -- , -- , -- , -- , ** 0. , ** normal to slip plane , slip direction , of the 3rd set ** -- , ** ** -1. , 0. , 1. , 0. , 0. , 1. , ** direction in local system , global system , of the 1st vector ** --- , -- , -- , -- , -- , -- , ** (the first vector to determine crystal orientation in global system) ** 0. , 1. , 0. , 0. , 1. , 0. , ** direction in local system , global system , of the 2nd vector ** -- , -- , -- , -- , -- , -- , ** (the second vector to determine crystal orientation in global system) ** ** constraint: The angle between two non-parallel vectors in the local ** and global systems should be the same. The relative ** difference must be less than 0.1%. ** ** 10. , .001 , ** n , adot , of 1st set of slip systems ** --- , 1/sec , ** (power hardening exponent and hardening coefficient) ** gammadot = adot * ( tau / g ) ** n ** ** Users who want to use their own constitutive relation may change the ** function subprograms F and DFDX called by the subroutine ** STRAINRATE and provide the necessary data (no more than 8) in the ** above line (data card). ** ** 0. , 0. ** n , adot , of 2nd set of slip systems ** --- , 1/sec , ** 0. , 0. , ** n , adot , of 3rd set of slip systems ** -- , 1/sec , ** ** 541.5 , 109.5 , 60.8 , ** h0 , taus , tau0 , of 1st set of slip systems ** MPa , MPa , MPa , ** (initial hardening modulus, saturation stress and initial critical ** resolved shear stress) ** H = H0 * { sech [ H0 * gamma / (taus - tau0 ) ] } ** 2 ** ** Users who want to use their own self-hardening law may change the ** function subprogram HSELF called by the subroutine LATENTHARDEN ** and provide the necessary data (no more than 8) in the above line ** (data card). ** ** 1. , 1. , ** q , q1 , Latent hardening of 1st set of slip systems ** -- , -- , ** (ratios of latent to self-hardening in the same and different sets ** of slip systems) ** ** Users who want to use their own latent-hardening may change the ** function subprogram HLATNT called by the subroutine LATENTHARDEN ** and provide the additional data (beyond the self-hardening data, ** no more than 8) in the above line (data card). ** ** 0. , ** h0 , taus , tau0 , of 2nd set of slip systems ** MPa , MPa , Mpa , ** 0. , ** q , q1 , of 2nd set of slip systems ** -- , -- , ** 0. , ** h0 , taus , tau0 , of 3rd set of slip systems ** MPa , MPa , MPa , ** 0. , ** q , q1 , of 3rd set of slip systems ** -- , -- , ** ** .5 , 1. , ** THETA , NLGEOM , ** -- , -- , ** ** THETA: implicit integration parameter, between 0 and 1 ** ** NLGEOM: parameter determining whether finite deformation of single ** crystal is considered ** ** NLGEOM=0. --- small deformation ** otherwise --- finite rotation and finite strain, Users must ** declare "NLGEOM" in the input file, at the *STEP ** card ** ** 1. , 10. , 1.E-5 , ** ITRATN , ITRMAX , GAMERR , ** -- , -- , -- , ** ITRATN: parameter determining whether iteration method is used to ** solve increments of stresses and state variables in terms of ** strain increments ** ** ITRATN=0. --- no iteration ** otherwise --- iteration ** ** ITRMAX: maximum number of iterations ** ** GAMERR: absolute error of shear strains in slip systems ** ** *DEPVAR 125 ** number of state dependent variables, must be larger than (or equal ** to) ten times total number of slip systems in all sets, plus ** five, plus the additional number of state variables users ** introduced for their own single crystal model ** ** For example, {110}<111> has twelve slip systems. There are ** 12*10+5=113 state dependent variables. ** ** ** *USER MATERIAL ** SUBROUTINE UMAT(stress,statev,ddsdde,sse,spd,scd, 1 rpl, ddsddt, drplde, drpldt, 2 stran,dstran,time,dtime,temp,dtemp,predef,dpred,cmname, 3 ndi,nshr,ntens,nstatv,props,nprops,coords,drot,pnewdt, 4 celent,dfgrd0,dfgrd1,noel,npt,layer,kspt,kstep,kinc) c c NOTE: MODIFICATIONS TO *UMAT FOR ABAQUS VERSION 5.3 (14 APR '94) c c (1) The list of variables above defining the *UMAT subroutine, c and the first (standard) block of variables dimensioned below, c have variable names added compared to earlier ABAQUS versions. c c (2) The statement: include 'aba_param.inc' must be added as below. c c (3) As of version 5.3, ABAQUS files use double precision only. c The file aba_param.inc has a line "implicit real*8" and, since c it is included in the main subroutine, it will define the variables c there as double precision. But other subroutines still need the c definition "implicit real*8" since there may be variables that are c not passed to them through the list or common block. c c (4) This is current as of version 5.6 of ABAQUS. c c (5) Note added by J. W. Kysar (4 November 1997). This UMAT has been c modified to keep track of the cumulative shear strain in each c individual slip system. This information is needed to correct an c error in the implementation of the Bassani and Wu hardening law. c Any line of code which has been added or modified is preceded c immediately by a line beginning CFIXA and succeeded by a line c beginning CFIXB. Any comment line added or modified will begin c with CFIX. c c The hardening law by Bassani and Wu was implemented incorrectly. c This law is a function of both hyperbolic secant squared and hyperbolic c tangent. However, the arguments of sech and tanh are related to the *total* c slip on individual slip systems. Formerly, the UMAT implemented this c hardening law by using the *current* slip on each slip system. Therein c lay the problem. The UMAT does not restrict the current slip to be a c positive value. So when a slip with a negative sign was encountered, the c term containing tanh led to a negative hardening rate (since tanh is an c odd function). c The UMAT has been fixed by adding state variables to keep track of the c *total* slip on each slip system by integrating up the absolute value c of slip rates for each individual slip system. These "solution dependent c variables" are available for postprocessing. The only required change c in the input file is that the DEPVAR command must be changed. c C----- Use single precision on Cray by C (1) deleting the statement "IMPLICIT*8 (A-H,O-Z)"; C (2) changing "REAL*8 FUNCTION" to "FUNCTION"; C (3) changing double precision functions DSIGN to SIGN. C C----- Subroutines: C C ROTATION -- forming rotation matrix, i.e. the direction C cosines of cubic crystal [100], [010] and [001] C directions in global system at the initial C state C C SLIPSYS -- calculating number of slip systems, unit C vectors in slip directions and unit normals to C slip planes in a cubic crystal at the initial C state C C GSLPINIT -- calculating initial value of current strengths C at initial state C C STRAINRATE -- based on current values of resolved shear C stresses and current strength, calculating C shear strain-rates in slip systems C C LATENTHARDEN -- forming self- and latent-hardening matrix C C ITERATION -- generating arrays for the Newton-Rhapson C iteration C C LUDCMP -- LU decomposition C C LUBKSB -- linear equation solver based on LU C decomposition method (must call LUDCMP first) C----- Function subprogram: C F -- shear strain-rates in slip systems C----- Variables: C C STRESS -- stresses (INPUT & OUTPUT) C Cauchy stresses for finite deformation C STATEV -- solution dependent state variables (INPUT & OUTPUT) C DDSDDE -- Jacobian matrix (OUTPUT) C----- Variables passed in for information: C C STRAN -- strains C logarithmic strain for finite deformation C (actually, integral of the symmetric part of velocity C gradient with respect to time) C DSTRAN -- increments of strains C CMNAME -- name given in the *MATERIAL option C NDI -- number of direct stress components C NSHR -- number of engineering shear stress components C NTENS -- NDI+NSHR C NSTATV -- number of solution dependent state variables (as C defined in the *DEPVAR option) C PROPS -- material constants entered in the *USER MATERIAL C option C NPROPS -- number of material constants C C----- This subroutine provides the plastic constitutive relation of C single crystals for finite element code ABAQUS. The plastic slip C of single crystal obeys the Schmid law. The program gives the C choice of small deformation theory and theory of finite rotation C and finite strain. C The strain increment is composed of elastic part and plastic C part. The elastic strain increment corresponds to lattice C stretching, the plastic part is the sum over all slip systems of C plastic slip. The shear strain increment for each slip system is C assumed a function of the ratio of corresponding resolved shear C stress over current strength, and of the time step. The resolved C shear stress is the double product of stress tensor with the slip C deformation tensor (Schmid factor), and the increment of current C strength is related to shear strain increments over all slip C systems through self- and latent-hardening functions. C----- The implicit integration method proposed by Peirce, Shih and C Needleman (1984) is used here. The subroutine provides an option C of iteration to solve stresses and solution dependent state C variables within each increment. C----- The present program is for a single CUBIC crystal. However, C this code can be generalized for other crystals (e.g. HCP, C Tetragonal, Orthotropic, etc.). Only subroutines ROTATION and C SLIPSYS need to be modified to include the effect of crystal C aspect ratio. C C----- Important notice: C C (1) The number of state variables NSTATV must be larger than (or CFIX equal to) TEN (10) times the total number of slip systems in C all sets, NSLPTL, plus FIVE (5) CFIX NSTATV >= 10 * NSLPTL + 5 C Denote s as a slip direction and m as normal to a slip plane. C Here (s,-m), (-s,m) and (-s,-m) are NOT considered C independent of (s,m). The number of slip systems in each set C could be either 6, 12, 24 or 48 for a cubic crystal, e.g. 12 C for {110}<111>. C C Users who need more parameters to characterize the C constitutive law of single crystal, e.g. the framework C proposed by Zarka, should make NSTATV larger than (or equal C to) the number of those parameters NPARMT plus nine times C the total number of slip systems, NSLPTL, plus five CFIX NSTATV >= NPARMT + 10 * NSLPTL + 5 C C (2) The tangent stiffness matrix in general is not symmetric if C latent hardening is considered. Users must declare "UNSYMM" C in the input file, at the *USER MATERIAL card. C PARAMETER (ND=150) C----- The parameter ND determines the dimensions of the arrays in C this subroutine. The current choice 150 is a upper bound for a C cubic crystal with up to three sets of slip systems activated. C Users may reduce the parameter ND to any number as long as larger C than or equal to the total number of slip systems in all sets. C For example, if {110}<111> is the only set of slip system C potentially activated, ND could be taken as twelve (12). c include 'aba_param.inc' c CHARACTER*8 CMNAME EXTERNAL F dimension stress(ntens),statev(nstatv), 1 ddsdde(ntens,ntens),ddsddt(ntens),drplde(ntens), 2 stran(ntens),dstran(ntens),time(2),predef(1),dpred(1), 3 props(nprops),coords(3),drot(3,3),dfgrd0(3,3),dfgrd1(3,3) DIMENSION ISPDIR(3), ISPNOR(3), NSLIP(3), 2 SLPDIR(3,ND), SLPNOR(3,ND), SLPDEF(6,ND), 3 SLPSPN(3,ND), DSPDIR(3,ND), DSPNOR(3,ND), 4 DLOCAL(6,6), D(6,6), ROTD(6,6), ROTATE(3,3), 5 FSLIP(ND), DFDXSP(ND), DDEMSD(6,ND), 6 H(ND,ND), DDGDDE(ND,6), 7 DSTRES(6), DELATS(6), DSPIN(3), DVGRAD(3,3), 8 DGAMMA(ND), DTAUSP(ND), DGSLIP(ND), 9 WORKST(ND,ND), INDX(ND), TERM(3,3), TRM0(3,3), ITRM(3) DIMENSION FSLIP1(ND), STRES1(6), GAMMA1(ND), TAUSP1(ND), 2 GSLP1(ND), SPNOR1(3,ND), SPDIR1(3,ND), DDSDE1(6,6), 3 DSOLD(6), DGAMOD(ND), DTAUOD(ND), DGSPOD(ND), 4 DSPNRO(3,ND), DSPDRO(3,ND), 5 DHDGDG(ND,ND) C----- NSLIP -- number of slip systems in each set C----- SLPDIR -- slip directions (unit vectors in the initial state) C----- SLPNOR -- normals to slip planes (unit normals in the initial C state) C----- SLPDEF -- slip deformation tensors (Schmid factors) C SLPDEF(1,i) -- SLPDIR(1,i)*SLPNOR(1,i) C SLPDEF(2,i) -- SLPDIR(2,i)*SLPNOR(2,i) C SLPDEF(3,i) -- SLPDIR(3,i)*SLPNOR(3,i) C SLPDEF(4,i) -- SLPDIR(1,i)*SLPNOR(2,i)+ C SLPDIR(2,i)*SLPNOR(1,i) C SLPDEF(5,i) -- SLPDIR(1,i)*SLPNOR(3,i)+ C SLPDIR(3,i)*SLPNOR(1,i) C SLPDEF(6,i) -- SLPDIR(2,i)*SLPNOR(3,i)+ C SLPDIR(3,i)*SLPNOR(2,i) C where index i corresponds to the ith slip system C----- SLPSPN -- slip spin tensors (only needed for finite rotation) C SLPSPN(1,i) -- [SLPDIR(1,i)*SLPNOR(2,i)- C SLPDIR(2,i)*SLPNOR(1,i)]/2 C SLPSPN(2,i) -- [SLPDIR(3,i)*SLPNOR(1,i)- C SLPDIR(1,i)*SLPNOR(3,i)]/2 C SLPSPN(3,i) -- [SLPDIR(2,i)*SLPNOR(3,i)- C SLPDIR(3,i)*SLPNOR(2,i)]/2 C where index i corresponds to the ith slip system C----- DSPDIR -- increments of slip directions C----- DSPNOR -- increments of normals to slip planes C C----- DLOCAL -- elastic matrix in local cubic crystal system C----- D -- elastic matrix in global system C----- ROTD -- rotation matrix transforming DLOCAL to D C C----- ROTATE -- rotation matrix, direction cosines of [100], [010] C and [001] of cubic crystal in global system C C----- FSLIP -- shear strain-rates in slip systems C----- DFDXSP -- derivatives of FSLIP w.r.t x=TAUSLP/GSLIP, where C TAUSLP is the resolved shear stress and GSLIP is the C current strength C C----- DDEMSD -- double dot product of the elastic moduli tensor with C the slip deformation tensor plus, only for finite C rotation, the dot product of slip spin tensor with C the stress C C----- H -- self- and latent-hardening matrix C H(i,i) -- self hardening modulus of the ith slip C system (no sum over i) C H(i,j) -- latent hardening molulus of the ith slip C system due to a slip in the jth slip system C (i not equal j) C C----- DDGDDE -- derivatice of the shear strain increments in slip C systems w.r.t. the increment of strains C C----- DSTRES -- Jaumann increments of stresses, i.e. corotational C stress-increments formed on axes spinning with the C material C----- DELATS -- strain-increments associated with lattice stretching C DELATS(1) - DELATS(3) -- normal strain increments C DELATS(4) - DELATS(6) -- engineering shear strain C increments C----- DSPIN -- spin-increments associated with the material element C DSPIN(1) -- component 12 of the spin tensor C DSPIN(2) -- component 31 of the spin tensor C DSPIN(3) -- component 23 of the spin tensor C C----- DVGRAD -- increments of deformation gradient in the current C state, i.e. velocity gradient times the increment of C time C C----- DGAMMA -- increment of shear strains in slip systems C----- DTAUSP -- increment of resolved shear stresses in slip systems C----- DGSLIP -- increment of current strengths in slip systems C C C----- Arrays for iteration: C C FSLIP1, STRES1, GAMMA1, TAUSP1, GSLP1 , SPNOR1, SPDIR1, C DDSDE1, DSOLD , DGAMOD, DTAUOD, DGSPOD, DSPNRO, DSPDRO, C DHDGDG C C C----- Solution dependent state variable STATEV: C Denote the number of total slip systems by NSLPTL, which C will be calculated in this code. C C Array STATEV: C 1 - NSLPTL : current strength in slip systems C NSLPTL+1 - 2*NSLPTL : shear strain in slip systems C 2*NSLPTL+1 - 3*NSLPTL : resolved shear stress in slip systems C C 3*NSLPTL+1 - 6*NSLPTL : current components of normals to slip C slip planes C 6*NSLPTL+1 - 9*NSLPTL : current components of slip directions C CFIX 9*NSLPTL+1 - 10*NSLPTL : total cumulative shear strain on each CFIX slip system (sum of the absolute CFIX values of shear strains in each slip CFIX system individually) CFIX CFIX 10*NSLPTL+1 : total cumulative shear strain on all C slip systems (sum of the absolute C values of shear strains in all slip C systems) C CFIX 10*NSLPTL+2 - NSTATV-4 : additional parameters users may need C to characterize the constitutive law C of a single crystal (if there are C any). C C NSTATV-3 : number of slip systems in the 1st set C NSTATV-2 : number of slip systems in the 2nd set C NSTATV-1 : number of slip systems in the 3rd set C NSTATV : total number of slip systems in all C sets C C C----- Material constants PROPS: C C PROPS(1) - PROPS(21) -- elastic constants for a general elastic C anisotropic material C C isotropic : PROPS(i)=0 for i>2 C PROPS(1) -- Young's modulus C PROPS(2) -- Poisson's ratio C C cubic : PROPS(i)=0 for i>3 C PROPS(1) -- c11 C PROPS(2) -- c12 C PROPS(3) -- c44 C C orthotropic : PORPS(i)=0 for i>9 C PROPS(1) - PROPS(9) are D1111, D1122, D2222, C D1133, D2233, D3333, D1212, D1313, D2323, C respectively, which has the same definition C as ABAQUS for orthotropic materials C (see *ELASTIC card) C C anisotropic : PROPS(1) - PROPS(21) are D1111, D1122, C D2222, D1133, D2233, D3333, D1112, D2212, C D3312, D1212, D1113, D2213, D3313, D1213, C D1313, D1123, D2223, D3323, D1223, D1323, C D2323, respectively, which has the same C definition as ABAQUS for anisotropic C materials (see *ELASTIC card) C C C PROPS(25) - PROPS(56) -- parameters characterizing all slip C systems to be activated in a cubic C crystal C C PROPS(25) -- number of sets of slip systems (maximum 3), C e.g. (110)[1-11] and (101)[11-1] are in the C same set of slip systems, (110)[1-11] and C (121)[1-11] belong to different sets of slip C systems C (It must be a real number, e.g. 3., not 3 !) C C PROPS(33) - PROPS(35) -- normal to a typical slip plane in C the first set of slip systems, C e.g. (1 1 0) C (They must be real numbers, e.g. C 1. 1. 0., not 1 1 0 !) C PROPS(36) - PROPS(38) -- a typical slip direction in the C first set of slip systems, e.g. C [1 1 1] C (They must be real numbers, e.g. C 1. 1. 1., not 1 1 1 !) C C PROPS(41) - PROPS(43) -- normal to a typical slip plane in C the second set of slip systems C (real numbers) C PROPS(44) - PROPS(46) -- a typical slip direction in the C second set of slip systems C (real numbers) C C PROPS(49) - PROPS(51) -- normal to a typical slip plane in C the third set of slip systems C (real numbers) C PROPS(52) - PROPS(54) -- a typical slip direction in the C third set of slip systems C (real numbers) C C C PROPS(57) - PROPS(72) -- parameters characterizing the initial C orientation of a single crystal in C global system C The directions in global system and directions in local C cubic crystal system of two nonparallel vectors are needed C to determine the crystal orientation. C C PROPS(57) - PROPS(59) -- [p1 p2 p3], direction of first C vector in local cubic crystal C system, e.g. [1 1 0] C (They must be real numbers, e.g. C 1. 1. 0., not 1 1 0 !) C PROPS(60) - PROPS(62) -- [P1 P2 P3], direction of first C vector in global system, e.g. C [2. 1. 0.] C (It does not have to be a unit C vector) C C PROPS(65) - PROPS(67) -- direction of second vector in C local cubic crystal system (real C numbers) C PROPS(68) - PROPS(70) -- direction of second vector in C global system C C C PROPS(73) - PROPS(96) -- parameters characterizing the visco- C plastic constitutive law (shear C strain-rate vs. resolved shear C stress), e.g. a power-law relation C C PROPS(73) - PROPS(80) -- parameters for the first set of C slip systems C PROPS(81) - PROPS(88) -- parameters for the second set of C slip systems C PROPS(89) - PROPS(96) -- parameters for the third set of C slip systems C C C PROPS(97) - PROPS(144)-- parameters characterizing the self- C and latent-hardening laws of slip C systems C C PROPS(97) - PROPS(104)-- self-hardening parameters for the C first set of slip systems C PROPS(105)- PROPS(112)-- latent-hardening parameters for C the first set of slip systems and C interaction with other sets of C slip systems C C PROPS(113)- PROPS(120)-- self-hardening parameters for the C second set of slip systems C PROPS(121)- PROPS(128)-- latent-hardening parameters for C the second set of slip systems C and interaction with other sets C of slip systems C C PROPS(129)- PROPS(136)-- self-hardening parameters for the C third set of slip systems C PROPS(137)- PROPS(144)-- latent-hardening parameters for C the third set of slip systems and C interaction with other sets of C slip systems C C C PROPS(145)- PROPS(152)-- parameters characterizing forward time C integration scheme and finite C deformation C C PROPS(145) -- parameter theta controlling the implicit C integration, which is between 0 and 1 C 0. : explicit integration C 0.5 : recommended value C 1. : fully implicit integration C C PROPS(146) -- parameter NLGEOM controlling whether the C effect of finite rotation and finite strain C of crystal is considered, C 0. : small deformation theory C otherwise : theory of finite rotation and C finite strain C C C PROPS(153)- PROPS(160)-- parameters characterizing iteration C method C C PROPS(153) -- parameter ITRATN controlling whether the C iteration method is used, C 0. : no iteration C otherwise : iteration C C PROPS(154) -- maximum number of iteration ITRMAX C C PROPS(155) -- absolute error of shear strains in slip C systems GAMERR C C----- Elastic matrix in local cubic crystal system: DLOCAL DO J=1,6 DO I=1,6 DLOCAL(I,J)=0. END DO END DO CHECK=0. DO J=10,21 CHECK=CHECK+ABS(PROPS(J)) END DO IF (CHECK.EQ.0.) THEN DO J=4,9 CHECK=CHECK+ABS(PROPS(J)) END DO IF (CHECK.EQ.0.) THEN IF (PROPS(3).EQ.0.) THEN C----- Isotropic material GSHEAR=PROPS(1)/2./(1.+PROPS(2)) E11=2.*GSHEAR*(1.-PROPS(2))/(1.-2.*PROPS(2)) E12=2.*GSHEAR*PROPS(2)/(1.-2.*PROPS(2)) DO J=1,3 DLOCAL(J,J)=E11 DO I=1,3 IF (I.NE.J) DLOCAL(I,J)=E12 END DO DLOCAL(J+3,J+3)=GSHEAR END DO ELSE C----- Cubic material DO J=1,3 DLOCAL(J,J)=PROPS(1) DO I=1,3 IF (I.NE.J) DLOCAL(I,J)=PROPS(2) END DO DLOCAL(J+3,J+3)=PROPS(3) END DO END IF ELSE C----- Orthotropic metarial DLOCAL(1,1)=PROPS(1) DLOCAL(1,2)=PROPS(2) DLOCAL(2,1)=PROPS(2) DLOCAL(2,2)=PROPS(3) DLOCAL(1,3)=PROPS(4) DLOCAL(3,1)=PROPS(4) DLOCAL(2,3)=PROPS(5) DLOCAL(3,2)=PROPS(5) DLOCAL(3,3)=PROPS(6) DLOCAL(4,4)=PROPS(7) DLOCAL(5,5)=PROPS(8) DLOCAL(6,6)=PROPS(9) END IF ELSE C----- General anisotropic material ID=0 DO J=1,6 DO I=1,J ID=ID+1 DLOCAL(I,J)=PROPS(ID) DLOCAL(J,I)=DLOCAL(I,J) END DO END DO END IF C----- Rotation matrix: ROTATE, i.e. direction cosines of [100], [010] C and [001] of a cubic crystal in global system C CALL ROTATION (PROPS(57), ROTATE) C----- Rotation matrix: ROTD to transform local elastic matrix DLOCAL C to global elastic matrix D C DO J=1,3 J1=1+J/3 J2=2+J/2 DO I=1,3 I1=1+I/3 I2=2+I/2 ROTD(I,J)=ROTATE(I,J)**2 ROTD(I,J+3)=2.*ROTATE(I,J1)*ROTATE(I,J2) ROTD(I+3,J)=ROTATE(I1,J)*ROTATE(I2,J) ROTD(I+3,J+3)=ROTATE(I1,J1)*ROTATE(I2,J2)+ 2 ROTATE(I1,J2)*ROTATE(I2,J1) END DO END DO C----- Elastic matrix in global system: D C {D} = {ROTD} * {DLOCAL} * {ROTD}transpose C DO J=1,6 DO I=1,6 D(I,J)=0. END DO END DO DO J=1,6 DO I=1,J DO K=1,6 DO L=1,6 D(I,J)=D(I,J)+DLOCAL(K,L)*ROTD(I,K)*ROTD(J,L) END DO END DO D(J,I)=D(I,J) END DO END DO C----- Total number of sets of slip systems: NSET NSET=NINT(PROPS(25)) IF (NSET.LT.1) THEN WRITE (6,*) '***ERROR - zero sets of slip systems' STOP ELSE IF (NSET.GT.3) THEN WRITE (6,*) 2 '***ERROR - more than three sets of slip systems' STOP END IF C----- Implicit integration parameter: THETA THETA=PROPS(145) C----- Finite deformation ? C----- NLGEOM = 0, small deformation theory C otherwise, theory of finite rotation and finite strain, Users C must declare "NLGEOM" in the input file, at the *STEP card C IF (PROPS(146).EQ.0.) THEN NLGEOM=0 ELSE NLGEOM=1 END IF C----- Iteration? C----- ITRATN = 0, no iteration C otherwise, iteration (solving increments of stresses and C solution dependent state variables) C IF (PROPS(153).EQ.0.) THEN ITRATN=0 ELSE ITRATN=1 END IF ITRMAX=NINT(PROPS(154)) GAMERR=PROPS(155) NITRTN=-1 DO I=1,NTENS DSOLD(I)=0. END DO DO J=1,ND DGAMOD(J)=0. DTAUOD(J)=0. DGSPOD(J)=0. DO I=1,3 DSPNRO(I,J)=0. DSPDRO(I,J)=0. END DO END DO C----- Increment of spin associated with the material element: DSPIN C (only needed for finite rotation) C IF (NLGEOM.NE.0) THEN DO J=1,3 DO I=1,3 TERM(I,J)=DROT(J,I) TRM0(I,J)=DROT(J,I) END DO TERM(J,J)=TERM(J,J)+1.D0 TRM0(J,J)=TRM0(J,J)-1.D0 END DO CALL LUDCMP (TERM, 3, 3, ITRM, DDCMP) DO J=1,3 CALL LUBKSB (TERM, 3, 3, ITRM, TRM0(1,J)) END DO DSPIN(1)=TRM0(2,1)-TRM0(1,2) DSPIN(2)=TRM0(1,3)-TRM0(3,1) DSPIN(3)=TRM0(3,2)-TRM0(2,3) END IF C----- Increment of dilatational strain: DEV DEV=0.D0 DO I=1,NDI DEV=DEV+DSTRAN(I) END DO C----- Iteration starts (only when iteration method is used) 1000 CONTINUE C----- Parameter NITRTN: number of iterations C NITRTN = 0 --- no-iteration solution C NITRTN=NITRTN+1 C----- Check whether the current stress state is the initial state IF (STATEV(1).EQ.0.) THEN C----- Initial state C C----- Generating the following parameters and variables at initial C state: C Total number of slip systems in all the sets NSLPTL C Number of slip systems in each set NSLIP C Unit vectors in initial slip directions SLPDIR C Unit normals to initial slip planes SLPNOR C NSLPTL=0 DO I=1,NSET ISPNOR(1)=NINT(PROPS(25+8*I)) ISPNOR(2)=NINT(PROPS(26+8*I)) ISPNOR(3)=NINT(PROPS(27+8*I)) ISPDIR(1)=NINT(PROPS(28+8*I)) ISPDIR(2)=NINT(PROPS(29+8*I)) ISPDIR(3)=NINT(PROPS(30+8*I)) CALL SLIPSYS (ISPDIR, ISPNOR, NSLIP(I), SLPDIR(1,NSLPTL+1), 2 SLPNOR(1,NSLPTL+1), ROTATE) NSLPTL=NSLPTL+NSLIP(I) END DO IF (ND.LT.NSLPTL) THEN WRITE (6,*) 2 '***ERROR - parameter ND chosen by the present user is less than 3 the total number of slip systems NSLPTL' STOP END IF C----- Slip deformation tensor: SLPDEF (Schmid factors) DO J=1,NSLPTL SLPDEF(1,J)=SLPDIR(1,J)*SLPNOR(1,J) SLPDEF(2,J)=SLPDIR(2,J)*SLPNOR(2,J) SLPDEF(3,J)=SLPDIR(3,J)*SLPNOR(3,J) SLPDEF(4,J)=SLPDIR(1,J)*SLPNOR(2,J)+SLPDIR(2,J)*SLPNOR(1,J) SLPDEF(5,J)=SLPDIR(1,J)*SLPNOR(3,J)+SLPDIR(3,J)*SLPNOR(1,J) SLPDEF(6,J)=SLPDIR(2,J)*SLPNOR(3,J)+SLPDIR(3,J)*SLPNOR(2,J) END DO C----- Initial value of state variables: unit normal to a slip plane C and unit vector in a slip direction C STATEV(NSTATV)=FLOAT(NSLPTL) DO I=1,NSET STATEV(NSTATV-4+I)=FLOAT(NSLIP(I)) END DO IDNOR=3*NSLPTL IDDIR=6*NSLPTL DO J=1,NSLPTL DO I=1,3 IDNOR=IDNOR+1 STATEV(IDNOR)=SLPNOR(I,J) IDDIR=IDDIR+1 STATEV(IDDIR)=SLPDIR(I,J) END DO END DO C----- Initial value of the current strength for all slip systems C CALL GSLPINIT (STATEV(1), NSLIP, NSLPTL, NSET, PROPS(97)) C----- Initial value of shear strain in slip systems CFIX-- Initial value of cumulative shear strain in each slip systems DO I=1,NSLPTL STATEV(NSLPTL+I)=0. CFIXA STATEV(9*NSLPTL+I)=0. CFIXB END DO CFIXA STATEV(10*NSLPTL+1)=0. CFIXB C----- Initial value of the resolved shear stress in slip systems DO I=1,NSLPTL TERM1=0. DO J=1,NTENS IF (J.LE.NDI) THEN TERM1=TERM1+SLPDEF(J,I)*STRESS(J) ELSE TERM1=TERM1+SLPDEF(J-NDI+3,I)*STRESS(J) END IF END DO STATEV(2*NSLPTL+I)=TERM1 END DO ELSE C----- Current stress state C C----- Copying from the array of state variables STATVE the following C parameters and variables at current stress state: C Total number of slip systems in all the sets NSLPTL C Number of slip systems in each set NSLIP C Current slip directions SLPDIR C Normals to current slip planes SLPNOR C NSLPTL=NINT(STATEV(NSTATV)) DO I=1,NSET NSLIP(I)=NINT(STATEV(NSTATV-4+I)) END DO IDNOR=3*NSLPTL IDDIR=6*NSLPTL DO J=1,NSLPTL DO I=1,3 IDNOR=IDNOR+1 SLPNOR(I,J)=STATEV(IDNOR) IDDIR=IDDIR+1 SLPDIR(I,J)=STATEV(IDDIR) END DO END DO C----- Slip deformation tensor: SLPDEF (Schmid factors) DO J=1,NSLPTL SLPDEF(1,J)=SLPDIR(1,J)*SLPNOR(1,J) SLPDEF(2,J)=SLPDIR(2,J)*SLPNOR(2,J) SLPDEF(3,J)=SLPDIR(3,J)*SLPNOR(3,J) SLPDEF(4,J)=SLPDIR(1,J)*SLPNOR(2,J)+SLPDIR(2,J)*SLPNOR(1,J) SLPDEF(5,J)=SLPDIR(1,J)*SLPNOR(3,J)+SLPDIR(3,J)*SLPNOR(1,J) SLPDEF(6,J)=SLPDIR(2,J)*SLPNOR(3,J)+SLPDIR(3,J)*SLPNOR(2,J) END DO END IF C----- Slip spin tensor: SLPSPN (only needed for finite rotation) IF (NLGEOM.NE.0) THEN DO J=1,NSLPTL SLPSPN(1,J)=0.5*(SLPDIR(1,J)*SLPNOR(2,J)- 2 SLPDIR(2,J)*SLPNOR(1,J)) SLPSPN(2,J)=0.5*(SLPDIR(3,J)*SLPNOR(1,J)- 2 SLPDIR(1,J)*SLPNOR(3,J)) SLPSPN(3,J)=0.5*(SLPDIR(2,J)*SLPNOR(3,J)- 2 SLPDIR(3,J)*SLPNOR(2,J)) END DO END IF C----- Double dot product of elastic moduli tensor with the slip C deformation tensor (Schmid factors) plus, only for finite C rotation, the dot product of slip spin tensor with the stress: C DDEMSD C DO J=1,NSLPTL DO I=1,6 DDEMSD(I,J)=0. DO K=1,6 DDEMSD(I,J)=DDEMSD(I,J)+D(K,I)*SLPDEF(K,J) END DO END DO END DO IF (NLGEOM.NE.0) THEN DO J=1,NSLPTL DDEMSD(4,J)=DDEMSD(4,J)-SLPSPN(1,J)*STRESS(1) DDEMSD(5,J)=DDEMSD(5,J)+SLPSPN(2,J)*STRESS(1) IF (NDI.GT.1) THEN DDEMSD(4,J)=DDEMSD(4,J)+SLPSPN(1,J)*STRESS(2) DDEMSD(6,J)=DDEMSD(6,J)-SLPSPN(3,J)*STRESS(2) END IF IF (NDI.GT.2) THEN DDEMSD(5,J)=DDEMSD(5,J)-SLPSPN(2,J)*STRESS(3) DDEMSD(6,J)=DDEMSD(6,J)+SLPSPN(3,J)*STRESS(3) END IF IF (NSHR.GE.1) THEN DDEMSD(1,J)=DDEMSD(1,J)+SLPSPN(1,J)*STRESS(NDI+1) DDEMSD(2,J)=DDEMSD(2,J)-SLPSPN(1,J)*STRESS(NDI+1) DDEMSD(5,J)=DDEMSD(5,J)-SLPSPN(3,J)*STRESS(NDI+1) DDEMSD(6,J)=DDEMSD(6,J)+SLPSPN(2,J)*STRESS(NDI+1) END IF IF (NSHR.GE.2) THEN DDEMSD(1,J)=DDEMSD(1,J)-SLPSPN(2,J)*STRESS(NDI+2) DDEMSD(3,J)=DDEMSD(3,J)+SLPSPN(2,J)*STRESS(NDI+2) DDEMSD(4,J)=DDEMSD(4,J)+SLPSPN(3,J)*STRESS(NDI+2) DDEMSD(6,J)=DDEMSD(6,J)-SLPSPN(1,J)*STRESS(NDI+2) END IF IF (NSHR.EQ.3) THEN DDEMSD(2,J)=DDEMSD(2,J)+SLPSPN(3,J)*STRESS(NDI+3) DDEMSD(3,J)=DDEMSD(3,J)-SLPSPN(3,J)*STRESS(NDI+3) DDEMSD(4,J)=DDEMSD(4,J)-SLPSPN(2,J)*STRESS(NDI+3) DDEMSD(5,J)=DDEMSD(5,J)+SLPSPN(1,J)*STRESS(NDI+3) END IF END DO END IF C----- Shear strain-rate in a slip system at the start of increment: C FSLIP, and its derivative: DFDXSP C ID=1 DO I=1,NSET IF (I.GT.1) ID=ID+NSLIP(I-1) CALL STRAINRATE (STATEV(NSLPTL+ID), STATEV(2*NSLPTL+ID), 2 STATEV(ID), NSLIP(I), FSLIP(ID), DFDXSP(ID), 3 PROPS(65+8*I)) END DO C----- Self- and latent-hardening laws CFIXA CALL LATENTHARDEN (STATEV(NSLPTL+1), STATEV(2*NSLPTL+1), 2 STATEV(1), STATEV(9*NSLPTL+1), 3 STATEV(10*NSLPTL+1), NSLIP, NSLPTL, 4 NSET, H(1,1), PROPS(97), ND) CFIXB C----- LU decomposition to solve the increment of shear strain in a C slip system C TERM1=THETA*DTIME DO I=1,NSLPTL TAUSLP=STATEV(2*NSLPTL+I) GSLIP=STATEV(I) X=TAUSLP/GSLIP TERM2=TERM1*DFDXSP(I)/GSLIP TERM3=TERM1*X*DFDXSP(I)/GSLIP DO J=1,NSLPTL TERM4=0. DO K=1,6 TERM4=TERM4+DDEMSD(K,I)*SLPDEF(K,J) END DO WORKST(I,J)=TERM2*TERM4+H(I,J)*TERM3*DSIGN(1.D0,FSLIP(J)) IF (NITRTN.GT.0) WORKST(I,J)=WORKST(I,J)+TERM3*DHDGDG(I,J) END DO WORKST(I,I)=WORKST(I,I)+1. END DO CALL LUDCMP (WORKST, NSLPTL, ND, INDX, DDCMP) C----- Increment of shear strain in a slip system: DGAMMA TERM1=THETA*DTIME DO I=1,NSLPTL IF (NITRTN.EQ.0) THEN TAUSLP=STATEV(2*NSLPTL+I) GSLIP=STATEV(I) X=TAUSLP/GSLIP TERM2=TERM1*DFDXSP(I)/GSLIP DGAMMA(I)=0. DO J=1,NDI DGAMMA(I)=DGAMMA(I)+DDEMSD(J,I)*DSTRAN(J) END DO IF (NSHR.GT.0) THEN DO J=1,NSHR DGAMMA(I)=DGAMMA(I)+DDEMSD(J+3,I)*DSTRAN(J+NDI) END DO END IF DGAMMA(I)=DGAMMA(I)*TERM2+FSLIP(I)*DTIME ELSE DGAMMA(I)=TERM1*(FSLIP(I)-FSLIP1(I))+FSLIP1(I)*DTIME 2 -DGAMOD(I) END IF END DO CALL LUBKSB (WORKST, NSLPTL, ND, INDX, DGAMMA) DO I=1,NSLPTL DGAMMA(I)=DGAMMA(I)+DGAMOD(I) END DO C----- Update the shear strain in a slip system: STATEV(NSLPTL+1) - C STATEV(2*NSLPTL) C DO I=1,NSLPTL STATEV(NSLPTL+I)=STATEV(NSLPTL+I)+DGAMMA(I)-DGAMOD(I) END DO C----- Increment of current strength in a slip system: DGSLIP DO I=1,NSLPTL DGSLIP(I)=0. DO J=1,NSLPTL DGSLIP(I)=DGSLIP(I)+H(I,J)*ABS(DGAMMA(J)) END DO END DO C----- Update the current strength in a slip system: STATEV(1) - C STATEV(NSLPTL) C DO I=1,NSLPTL STATEV(I)=STATEV(I)+DGSLIP(I)-DGSPOD(I) END DO C----- Increment of strain associated with lattice stretching: DELATS DO J=1,6 DELATS(J)=0. END DO DO J=1,3 IF (J.LE.NDI) DELATS(J)=DSTRAN(J) DO I=1,NSLPTL DELATS(J)=DELATS(J)-SLPDEF(J,I)*DGAMMA(I) END DO END DO DO J=1,3 IF (J.LE.NSHR) DELATS(J+3)=DSTRAN(J+NDI) DO I=1,NSLPTL DELATS(J+3)=DELATS(J+3)-SLPDEF(J+3,I)*DGAMMA(I) END DO END DO C----- Increment of deformation gradient associated with lattice C stretching in the current state, i.e. the velocity gradient C (associated with lattice stretching) times the increment of time: C DVGRAD (only needed for finite rotation) C IF (NLGEOM.NE.0) THEN DO J=1,3 DO I=1,3 IF (I.EQ.J) THEN DVGRAD(I,J)=DELATS(I) ELSE DVGRAD(I,J)=DELATS(I+J+1) END IF END DO END DO DO J=1,3 DO I=1,J IF (J.GT.I) THEN IJ2=I+J-2 IF (MOD(IJ2,2).EQ.1) THEN TERM1=1. ELSE TERM1=-1. END IF DVGRAD(I,J)=DVGRAD(I,J)+TERM1*DSPIN(IJ2) DVGRAD(J,I)=DVGRAD(J,I)-TERM1*DSPIN(IJ2) DO K=1,NSLPTL DVGRAD(I,J)=DVGRAD(I,J)-TERM1*DGAMMA(K)* 2 SLPSPN(IJ2,K) DVGRAD(J,I)=DVGRAD(J,I)+TERM1*DGAMMA(K)* 2 SLPSPN(IJ2,K) END DO END IF END DO END DO END IF C----- Increment of resolved shear stress in a slip system: DTAUSP DO I=1,NSLPTL DTAUSP(I)=0. DO J=1,6 DTAUSP(I)=DTAUSP(I)+DDEMSD(J,I)*DELATS(J) END DO END DO C----- Update the resolved shear stress in a slip system: C STATEV(2*NSLPTL+1) - STATEV(3*NSLPTL) C DO I=1,NSLPTL STATEV(2*NSLPTL+I)=STATEV(2*NSLPTL+I)+DTAUSP(I)-DTAUOD(I) END DO C----- Increment of stress: DSTRES IF (NLGEOM.EQ.0) THEN DO I=1,NTENS DSTRES(I)=0. END DO ELSE DO I=1,NTENS DSTRES(I)=-STRESS(I)*DEV END DO END IF DO I=1,NDI DO J=1,NDI DSTRES(I)=DSTRES(I)+D(I,J)*DSTRAN(J) END DO IF (NSHR.GT.0) THEN DO J=1,NSHR DSTRES(I)=DSTRES(I)+D(I,J+3)*DSTRAN(J+NDI) END DO END IF DO J=1,NSLPTL DSTRES(I)=DSTRES(I)-DDEMSD(I,J)*DGAMMA(J) END DO END DO IF (NSHR.GT.0) THEN DO I=1,NSHR DO J=1,NDI DSTRES(I+NDI)=DSTRES(I+NDI)+D(I+3,J)*DSTRAN(J) END DO DO J=1,NSHR DSTRES(I+NDI)=DSTRES(I+NDI)+D(I+3,J+3)*DSTRAN(J+NDI) END DO DO J=1,NSLPTL DSTRES(I+NDI)=DSTRES(I+NDI)-DDEMSD(I+3,J)*DGAMMA(J) END DO END DO END IF C----- Update the stress: STRESS DO I=1,NTENS STRESS(I)=STRESS(I)+DSTRES(I)-DSOLD(I) END DO C----- Increment of normal to a slip plane and a slip direction (only C needed for finite rotation) C IF (NLGEOM.NE.0) THEN DO J=1,NSLPTL DO I=1,3 DSPNOR(I,J)=0. DSPDIR(I,J)=0. DO K=1,3 DSPNOR(I,J)=DSPNOR(I,J)-SLPNOR(K,J)*DVGRAD(K,I) DSPDIR(I,J)=DSPDIR(I,J)+SLPDIR(K,J)*DVGRAD(I,K) END DO END DO END DO C----- Update the normal to a slip plane and a slip direction (only C needed for finite rotation) C IDNOR=3*NSLPTL IDDIR=6*NSLPTL DO J=1,NSLPTL DO I=1,3 IDNOR=IDNOR+1 STATEV(IDNOR)=STATEV(IDNOR)+DSPNOR(I,J)-DSPNRO(I,J) IDDIR=IDDIR+1 STATEV(IDDIR)=STATEV(IDDIR)+DSPDIR(I,J)-DSPDRO(I,J) END DO END DO END IF C----- Derivative of shear strain increment in a slip system w.r.t. C strain increment: DDGDDE C TERM1=THETA*DTIME DO I=1,NTENS DO J=1,NSLPTL TAUSLP=STATEV(2*NSLPTL+J) GSLIP=STATEV(J) X=TAUSLP/GSLIP TERM2=TERM1*DFDXSP(J)/GSLIP IF (I.LE.NDI) THEN DDGDDE(J,I)=TERM2*DDEMSD(I,J) ELSE DDGDDE(J,I)=TERM2*DDEMSD(I-NDI+3,J) END IF END DO CALL LUBKSB (WORKST, NSLPTL, ND, INDX, DDGDDE(1,I)) END DO C----- Derivative of stress increment w.r.t. strain increment, i.e. C Jacobian matrix C C----- Jacobian matrix: elastic part DO J=1,NTENS DO I=1,NTENS DDSDDE(I,J)=0. END DO END DO DO J=1,NDI DO I=1,NDI DDSDDE(I,J)=D(I,J) IF (NLGEOM.NE.0) DDSDDE(I,J)=DDSDDE(I,J)-STRESS(I) END DO END DO IF (NSHR.GT.0) THEN DO J=1,NSHR DO I=1,NSHR DDSDDE(I+NDI,J+NDI)=D(I+3,J+3) END DO DO I=1,NDI DDSDDE(I,J+NDI)=D(I,J+3) DDSDDE(J+NDI,I)=D(J+3,I) IF (NLGEOM.NE.0) 2 DDSDDE(J+NDI,I)=DDSDDE(J+NDI,I)-STRESS(J+NDI) END DO END DO END IF C----- Jacobian matrix: plastic part (slip) DO J=1,NDI DO I=1,NDI DO K=1,NSLPTL DDSDDE(I,J)=DDSDDE(I,J)-DDEMSD(I,K)*DDGDDE(K,J) END DO END DO END DO IF (NSHR.GT.0) THEN DO J=1,NSHR DO I=1,NSHR DO K=1,NSLPTL DDSDDE(I+NDI,J+NDI)=DDSDDE(I+NDI,J+NDI)- 2 DDEMSD(I+3,K)*DDGDDE(K,J+NDI) END DO END DO DO I=1,NDI DO K=1,NSLPTL DDSDDE(I,J+NDI)=DDSDDE(I,J+NDI)- 2 DDEMSD(I,K)*DDGDDE(K,J+NDI) DDSDDE(J+NDI,I)=DDSDDE(J+NDI,I)- 2 DDEMSD(J+3,K)*DDGDDE(K,I) END DO END DO END DO END IF IF (ITRATN.NE.0) THEN DO J=1,NTENS DO I=1,NTENS DDSDDE(I,J)=DDSDDE(I,J)/(1.+DEV) END DO END DO END IF C----- Iteration ? IF (ITRATN.NE.0) THEN C----- Save solutions (without iteration): C Shear strain-rate in a slip system FSLIP1 C Current strength in a slip system GSLP1 C Shear strain in a slip system GAMMA1 C Resolved shear stress in a slip system TAUSP1 C Normal to a slip plane SPNOR1 C Slip direction SPDIR1 C Stress STRES1 C Jacobian matrix DDSDE1 C IF (NITRTN.EQ.0) THEN IDNOR=3*NSLPTL IDDIR=6*NSLPTL DO J=1,NSLPTL FSLIP1(J)=FSLIP(J) GSLP1(J)=STATEV(J) GAMMA1(J)=STATEV(NSLPTL+J) TAUSP1(J)=STATEV(2*NSLPTL+J) DO I=1,3 IDNOR=IDNOR+1 SPNOR1(I,J)=STATEV(IDNOR) IDDIR=IDDIR+1 SPDIR1(I,J)=STATEV(IDDIR) END DO END DO DO J=1,NTENS STRES1(J)=STRESS(J) DO I=1,NTENS DDSDE1(I,J)=DDSDDE(I,J) END DO END DO END IF C----- Increments of stress DSOLD, and solution dependent state C variables DGAMOD, DTAUOD, DGSPOD, DSPNRO, DSPDRO (for the next C iteration) C DO I=1,NTENS DSOLD(I)=DSTRES(I) END DO DO J=1,NSLPTL DGAMOD(J)=DGAMMA(J) DTAUOD(J)=DTAUSP(J) DGSPOD(J)=DGSLIP(J) DO I=1,3 DSPNRO(I,J)=DSPNOR(I,J) DSPDRO(I,J)=DSPDIR(I,J) END DO END DO C----- Check if the iteration solution converges IDBACK=0 ID=0 DO I=1,NSET DO J=1,NSLIP(I) ID=ID+1 X=STATEV(2*NSLPTL+ID)/STATEV(ID) RESIDU=THETA*DTIME*F(X,PROPS(65+8*I))+DTIME*(1.0-THETA)* 2 FSLIP1(ID)-DGAMMA(ID) IF (ABS(RESIDU).GT.GAMERR) IDBACK=1 END DO END DO IF (IDBACK.NE.0.AND.NITRTN.LT.ITRMAX) THEN C----- Iteration: arrays for iteration CFIXA CALL ITERATION (STATEV(NSLPTL+1), STATEV(2*NSLPTL+1), 2 STATEV(1), STATEV(9*NSLPTL+1), 3 STATEV(10*NSLPTL+1), NSLPTL, 4 NSET, NSLIP, ND, PROPS(97), DGAMOD, 5 DHDGDG) CFIXB GO TO 1000 ELSE IF (NITRTN.GE.ITRMAX) THEN C----- Solution not converge within maximum number of iteration (the C solution without iteration will be used) C DO J=1,NTENS STRESS(J)=STRES1(J) DO I=1,NTENS DDSDDE(I,J)=DDSDE1(I,J) END DO END DO IDNOR=3*NSLPTL IDDIR=6*NSLPTL DO J=1,NSLPTL STATEV(J)=GSLP1(J) STATEV(NSLPTL+J)=GAMMA1(J) STATEV(2*NSLPTL+J)=TAUSP1(J) DO I=1,3 IDNOR=IDNOR+1 STATEV(IDNOR)=SPNOR1(I,J) IDDIR=IDDIR+1 STATEV(IDDIR)=SPDIR1(I,J) END DO END DO END IF END IF C----- Total cumulative shear strains on all slip systems (sum of the C absolute values of shear strains in all slip systems) CFIX-- Total cumulative shear strains on each slip system (sum of the CFIX absolute values of shear strains in each individual slip system) C DO I=1,NSLPTL CFIXA STATEV(10*NSLPTL+1)=STATEV(10*NSLPTL+1)+ABS(DGAMMA(I)) STATEV(9*NSLPTL+I)=STATEV(9*NSLPTL+I)+ABS(DGAMMA(I)) CFIXB END DO RETURN END C---------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE ROTATION (PROP, ROTATE) C----- This subroutine calculates the rotation matrix, i.e. the C direction cosines of cubic crystal [100], [010] and [001] C directions in global system C----- The rotation matrix is stored in the array ROTATE. C----- Use single precision on cray C IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) DIMENSION PROP(16), ROTATE(3,3), TERM1(3,3), TERM2(3,3), INDX(3) C----- Subroutines: C C CROSS -- cross product of two vectors C C LUDCMP -- LU decomposition C C LUBKSB -- linear equation solver based on LU decomposition C method (must call LUDCMP first) C----- PROP -- constants characterizing the crystal orientation C (INPUT) C C PROP(1) - PROP(3) -- direction of the first vector in C local cubic crystal system C PROP(4) - PROP(6) -- direction of the first vector in C global system C C PROP(9) - PROP(11)-- direction of the second vector in C local cubic crystal system C PROP(12)- PROP(14)-- direction of the second vector in C global system C C----- ROTATE -- rotation matrix (OUTPUT): C C ROTATE(i,1) -- direction cosines of direction [1 0 0] in C local cubic crystal system C ROTATE(i,2) -- direction cosines of direction [0 1 0] in C local cubic crystal system C ROTATE(i,3) -- direction cosines of direction [0 0 1] in C local cubic crystal system C----- local matrix: TERM1 CALL CROSS (PROP(1), PROP(9), TERM1, ANGLE1) C----- LU decomposition of TERM1 CALL LUDCMP (TERM1, 3, 3, INDX, DCMP) C----- inverse matrix of TERM1: TERM2 DO J=1,3 DO I=1,3 IF (I.EQ.J) THEN TERM2(I,J)=1. ELSE TERM2(I,J)=0. END IF END DO END DO DO J=1,3 CALL LUBKSB (TERM1, 3, 3, INDX, TERM2(1,J)) END DO C----- global matrix: TERM1 CALL CROSS (PROP(4), PROP(12), TERM1, ANGLE2) C----- Check: the angle between first and second vector in local and C global systems must be the same. The relative difference must be C less than 0.1%. C IF (ABS(ANGLE1/ANGLE2-1.).GT.0.001) THEN WRITE (6,*) 2 '***ERROR - angles between two vectors are not the same' STOP END IF C----- rotation matrix: ROTATE DO J=1,3 DO I=1,3 ROTATE(I,J)=0. DO K=1,3 ROTATE(I,J)=ROTATE(I,J)+TERM1(I,K)*TERM2(K,J) END DO END DO END DO RETURN END C----------------------------------- SUBROUTINE CROSS (A, B, C, ANGLE) C----- (1) normalize vectors A and B to unit vectors C (2) store A, B and A*B (cross product) in C C----- Use single precision on cray C IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) DIMENSION A(3), B(3), C(3,3) SUM1=SQRT(A(1)**2+A(2)**2+A(3)**2) SUM2=SQRT(B(1)**2+B(2)**2+B(3)**2) IF (SUM1.EQ.0.) THEN WRITE (6,*) '***ERROR - first vector is zero' STOP ELSE DO I=1,3 C(I,1)=A(I)/SUM1 END DO END IF IF (SUM2.EQ.0.) THEN WRITE (6,*) '***ERROR - second vector is zero' STOP ELSE DO I=1,3 C(I,2)=B(I)/SUM2 END DO END IF ANGLE=0. DO I=1,3 ANGLE=ANGLE+C(I,1)*C(I,2) END DO ANGLE=ACOS(ANGLE) C(1,3)=C(2,1)*C(3,2)-C(3,1)*C(2,2) C(2,3)=C(3,1)*C(1,2)-C(1,1)*C(3,2) C(3,3)=C(1,1)*C(2,2)-C(2,1)*C(1,2) SUM3=SQRT(C(1,3)**2+C(2,3)**2+C(3,3)**2) IF (SUM3.LT.1.E-8) THEN WRITE (6,*) 2 '***ERROR - first and second vectors are parallel' STOP END IF RETURN END C---------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE SLIPSYS (ISPDIR, ISPNOR, NSLIP, SLPDIR, SLPNOR, 2 ROTATE) C----- This subroutine generates all slip systems in the same set for C a CUBIC crystal. For other crystals (e.g., HCP, Tetragonal, C Orthotropic, ...), it has to be modified to include the effect of C crystal aspect ratio. C----- Denote s as a slip direction and m as normal to a slip plane. C In a cubic crystal, (s,-m), (-s,m) and (-s,-m) are NOT considered C independent of (s,m). C----- Subroutines: LINE1 and LINE C----- Variables: C C ISPDIR -- a typical slip direction in this set of slip systems C (integer) (INPUT) C ISPNOR -- a typical normal to slip plane in this set of slip C systems (integer) (INPUT) C NSLIP -- number of independent slip systems in this set C (OUTPUT) C SLPDIR -- unit vectors of all slip directions (OUTPUT) C SLPNOR -- unit normals to all slip planes (OUTPUT) C ROTATE -- rotation matrix (INPUT) C ROTATE(i,1) -- direction cosines of [100] in global system C ROTATE(i,2) -- direction cosines of [010] in global system C ROTATE(i,3) -- direction cosines of [001] in global system C C NSPDIR -- number of all possible slip directions in this set C NSPNOR -- number of all possible slip planes in this set C IWKDIR -- all possible slip directions (integer) C IWKNOR -- all possible slip planes (integer) C----- Use single precision on cray C IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) DIMENSION ISPDIR(3), ISPNOR(3), SLPDIR(3,50), SLPNOR(3,50), ROTATE(3,3), IWKDIR(3,24), IWKNOR(3,24), TERM(3) NSLIP=0 NSPDIR=0 NSPNOR=0 C----- Generating all possible slip directions in this set C C Denote the slip direction by [lmn]. I1 is the minimum of the C absolute value of l, m and n, I3 is the maximum and I2 is the C mode, e.g. (1 -3 2), I1=1, I2=2 and I3=3. I1<=I2<=I3. I1=MIN(IABS(ISPDIR(1)),IABS(ISPDIR(2)),IABS(ISPDIR(3))) I3=MAX(IABS(ISPDIR(1)),IABS(ISPDIR(2)),IABS(ISPDIR(3))) I2=IABS(ISPDIR(1))+IABS(ISPDIR(2))+IABS(ISPDIR(3))-I1-I3 RMODIR=SQRT(FLOAT(I1*I1+I2*I2+I3*I3)) C I1=I2=I3=0 IF (I3.EQ.0) THEN WRITE (6,*) '***ERROR - slip direction is [000]' STOP C I1=I2=0, I3>0 --- [001] type ELSE IF (I2.EQ.0) THEN NSPDIR=3 DO J=1,3 DO I=1,3 IWKDIR(I,J)=0 IF (I.EQ.J) IWKDIR(I,J)=I3 END DO END DO C I1=0, I3>=I2>0 ELSE IF (I1.EQ.0) THEN C I1=0, I3=I2>0 --- [011] type IF (I2.EQ.I3) THEN NSPDIR=6 DO J=1,6 DO I=1,3 IWKDIR(I,J)=I2 IF (I.EQ.J.OR.J-I.EQ.3) IWKDIR(I,J)=0 IWKDIR(1,6)=-I2 IWKDIR(2,4)=-I2 IWKDIR(3,5)=-I2 END DO END DO C I1=0, I3>I2>0 --- [012] type ELSE NSPDIR=12 CALL LINE1 (I2, I3, IWKDIR(1,1), 1) CALL LINE1 (I3, I2, IWKDIR(1,3), 1) CALL LINE1 (I2, I3, IWKDIR(1,5), 2) CALL LINE1 (I3, I2, IWKDIR(1,7), 2) CALL LINE1 (I2, I3, IWKDIR(1,9), 3) CALL LINE1 (I3, I2, IWKDIR(1,11), 3) END IF C I1=I2=I3>0 --- [111] type ELSE IF (I1.EQ.I3) THEN NSPDIR=4 CALL LINE (I1, I1, I1, IWKDIR) C I3>I2=I1>0 --- [112] type ELSE IF (I1.EQ.I2) THEN NSPDIR=12 CALL LINE (I1, I1, I3, IWKDIR(1,1)) CALL LINE (I1, I3, I1, IWKDIR(1,5)) CALL LINE (I3, I1, I1, IWKDIR(1,9)) C I3=I2>I1>0 --- [122] type ELSE IF (I2.EQ.I3) THEN NSPDIR=12 CALL LINE (I1, I2, I2, IWKDIR(1,1)) CALL LINE (I2, I1, I2, IWKDIR(1,5)) CALL LINE (I2, I2, I1, IWKDIR(1,9)) C I3>I2>I1>0 --- [123] type ELSE NSPDIR=24 CALL LINE (I1, I2, I3, IWKDIR(1,1)) CALL LINE (I3, I1, I2, IWKDIR(1,5)) CALL LINE (I2, I3, I1, IWKDIR(1,9)) CALL LINE (I1, I3, I2, IWKDIR(1,13)) CALL LINE (I2, I1, I3, IWKDIR(1,17)) CALL LINE (I3, I2, I1, IWKDIR(1,21)) END IF C----- Generating all possible slip planes in this set C C Denote the normal to slip plane by (pqr). J1 is the minimum of C the absolute value of p, q and r, J3 is the maximum and J2 is the C mode, e.g. (1 -2 1), J1=1, J2=1 and J3=2. J1<=J2<=J3. J1=MIN(IABS(ISPNOR(1)),IABS(ISPNOR(2)),IABS(ISPNOR(3))) J3=MAX(IABS(ISPNOR(1)),IABS(ISPNOR(2)),IABS(ISPNOR(3))) J2=IABS(ISPNOR(1))+IABS(ISPNOR(2))+IABS(ISPNOR(3))-J1-J3 RMONOR=SQRT(FLOAT(J1*J1+J2*J2+J3*J3)) IF (J3.EQ.0) THEN WRITE (6,*) '***ERROR - slip plane is [000]' STOP C (001) type ELSE IF (J2.EQ.0) THEN NSPNOR=3 DO J=1,3 DO I=1,3 IWKNOR(I,J)=0 IF (I.EQ.J) IWKNOR(I,J)=J3 END DO END DO ELSE IF (J1.EQ.0) THEN C (011) type IF (J2.EQ.J3) THEN NSPNOR=6 DO J=1,6 DO I=1,3 IWKNOR(I,J)=J2 IF (I.EQ.J.OR.J-I.EQ.3) IWKNOR(I,J)=0 IWKNOR(1,6)=-J2 IWKNOR(2,4)=-J2 IWKNOR(3,5)=-J2 END DO END DO C (012) type ELSE NSPNOR=12 CALL LINE1 (J2, J3, IWKNOR(1,1), 1) CALL LINE1 (J3, J2, IWKNOR(1,3), 1) CALL LINE1 (J2, J3, IWKNOR(1,5), 2) CALL LINE1 (J3, J2, IWKNOR(1,7), 2) CALL LINE1 (J2, J3, IWKNOR(1,9), 3) CALL LINE1 (J3, J2, IWKNOR(1,11), 3) END IF C (111) type ELSE IF (J1.EQ.J3) THEN NSPNOR=4 CALL LINE (J1, J1, J1, IWKNOR) C (112) type ELSE IF (J1.EQ.J2) THEN NSPNOR=12 CALL LINE (J1, J1, J3, IWKNOR(1,1)) CALL LINE (J1, J3, J1, IWKNOR(1,5)) CALL LINE (J3, J1, J1, IWKNOR(1,9)) C (122) type ELSE IF (J2.EQ.J3) THEN NSPNOR=12 CALL LINE (J1, J2, J2, IWKNOR(1,1)) CALL LINE (J2, J1, J2, IWKNOR(1,5)) CALL LINE (J2, J2, J1, IWKNOR(1,9)) C (123) type ELSE NSPNOR=24 CALL LINE (J1, J2, J3, IWKNOR(1,1)) CALL LINE (J3, J1, J2, IWKNOR(1,5)) CALL LINE (J2, J3, J1, IWKNOR(1,9)) CALL LINE (J1, J3, J2, IWKNOR(1,13)) CALL LINE (J2, J1, J3, IWKNOR(1,17)) CALL LINE (J3, J2, J1, IWKNOR(1,21)) END IF C----- Generating all slip systems in this set C C----- Unit vectors in slip directions: SLPDIR, and unit normals to C slip planes: SLPNOR in local cubic crystal system C WRITE (6,*) ' ' WRITE (6,*) ' # Slip plane Slip direction' DO J=1,NSPNOR DO I=1,NSPDIR IDOT=0 DO K=1,3 IDOT=IDOT+IWKDIR(K,I)*IWKNOR(K,J) END DO IF (IDOT.EQ.0) THEN NSLIP=NSLIP+1 DO K=1,3 SLPDIR(K,NSLIP)=IWKDIR(K,I)/RMODIR SLPNOR(K,NSLIP)=IWKNOR(K,J)/RMONOR END DO WRITE (6,10) NSLIP, 2 (IWKNOR(K,J),K=1,3), (IWKDIR(K,I),K=1,3) END IF END DO END DO 10 FORMAT(1X,I2,9X,'(',3(1X,I2),1X,')',10X,'[',3(1X,I2),1X,']') WRITE (6,*) 'Number of slip systems in this set = ',NSLIP WRITE (6,*) ' ' IF (NSLIP.EQ.0) THEN WRITE (6,*) * 'There is no slip direction normal to the slip planes!' STOP ELSE C----- Unit vectors in slip directions: SLPDIR, and unit normals to C slip planes: SLPNOR in global system C DO J=1,NSLIP DO I=1,3 TERM(I)=0. DO K=1,3 TERM(I)=TERM(I)+ROTATE(I,K)*SLPDIR(K,J) END DO END DO DO I=1,3 SLPDIR(I,J)=TERM(I) END DO DO I=1,3 TERM(I)=0. DO K=1,3 TERM(I)=TERM(I)+ROTATE(I,K)*SLPNOR(K,J) END DO END DO DO I=1,3 SLPNOR(I,J)=TERM(I) END DO END DO END IF RETURN END C---------------------------------- SUBROUTINE LINE (I1, I2, I3, IARRAY) C----- Generating all possible slip directions (or slip planes C {lmn}) for a cubic crystal, where l,m,n are not zeros. C----- Use single precision on cray C IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) DIMENSION IARRAY(3,4) DO J=1,4 IARRAY(1,J)=I1 IARRAY(2,J)=I2 IARRAY(3,J)=I3 END DO DO I=1,3 DO J=1,4 IF (J.EQ.I+1) IARRAY(I,J)=-IARRAY(I,J) END DO END DO RETURN END C----------------------------------- SUBROUTINE LINE1 (J1, J2, IARRAY, ID) C----- Generating all possible slip directions <0mn> (or slip planes C {0mn}) for a cubic crystal, where m,n are not zeros and m does C not equal n. C----- Use single precision on cray C IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) DIMENSION IARRAY(3,2) IARRAY(ID,1)=0 IARRAY(ID,2)=0 ID1=ID+1 IF (ID1.GT.3) ID1=ID1-3 IARRAY(ID1,1)=J1 IARRAY(ID1,2)=J1 ID2=ID+2 IF (ID2.GT.3) ID2=ID2-3 IARRAY(ID2,1)=J2 IARRAY(ID2,2)=-J2 RETURN END C---------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE GSLPINIT (GSLIP0, NSLIP, NSLPTL, NSET, PROP) C----- This subroutine calculates the initial value of current C strength for each slip system in a rate-dependent single crystal. C Two sets of initial values, proposed by Asaro, Pierce et al, and C by Bassani, respectively, are used here. Both sets assume that C the initial values for all slip systems are the same (initially C isotropic). C----- These initial values are assumed the same for all slip systems C in each set, though they could be different from set to set, e.g. C <110>{111} and <110>{100}. C----- Users who want to use their own initial values may change the C function subprogram GSLP0. The parameters characterizing these C initial values are passed into GSLP0 through array PROP. C----- Use single precision on cray C IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) EXTERNAL GSLP0 DIMENSION GSLIP0(NSLPTL), NSLIP(NSET), PROP(16,NSET) C----- Function subprograms: C C GSLP0 -- User-supplied function subprogram given the initial C value of current strength at initial state C----- Variables: C C GSLIP0 -- initial value of current strength (OUTPUT) C C NSLIP -- number of slip systems in each set (INPUT) C NSLPTL -- total number of slip systems in all the sets (INPUT) C NSET -- number of sets of slip systems (INPUT) C C PROP -- material constants characterizing the initial value of C current strength (INPUT) C C For Asaro, Pierce et al's law C PROP(1,i) -- initial hardening modulus H0 in the ith C set of slip systems C PROP(2,i) -- saturation stress TAUs in the ith set of C slip systems C PROP(3,i) -- initial critical resolved shear stress C TAU0 in the ith set of slip systems C C For Bassani's law C PROP(1,i) -- initial hardening modulus H0 in the ith C set of slip systems C PROP(2,i) -- stage I stress TAUI in the ith set of C slip systems (or the breakthrough stress C where large plastic flow initiates) C PROP(3,i) -- initial critical resolved shear stress C TAU0 in the ith set of slip systems C ID=0 DO I=1,NSET ISET=I DO J=1,NSLIP(I) ID=ID+1 GSLIP0(ID)=GSLP0(NSLPTL,NSET,NSLIP,PROP(1,I),ID,ISET) END DO END DO RETURN END C---------------------------------- C----- Use single precision on cray C REAL*8 FUNCTION GSLP0(NSLPTL,NSET,NSLIP,PROP,ISLIP,ISET) C----- User-supplied function subprogram given the initial value of C current strength at initial state C----- Use single precision on cray C IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) DIMENSION NSLIP(NSET), PROP(16) GSLP0=PROP(3) RETURN END C---------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE STRAINRATE (GAMMA, TAUSLP, GSLIP, NSLIP, FSLIP, 2 DFDXSP, PROP) C----- This subroutine calculates the shear strain-rate in each slip C system for a rate-dependent single crystal. The POWER LAW C relation between shear strain-rate and resolved shear stress C proposed by Hutchinson, Pan and Rice, is used here. C----- The power law exponents are assumed the same for all slip C systems in each set, though they could be different from set to C set, e.g. <110>{111} and <110>{100}. The strain-rate coefficient C in front of the power law form are also assumed the same for all C slip systems in each set. C----- Users who want to use their own constitutive relation may C change the function subprograms F and its derivative DFDX, C where F is the strain hardening law, dGAMMA/dt = F(X), C X=TAUSLP/GSLIP. The parameters characterizing F are passed into C F and DFDX through array PROP. C----- Function subprograms: C C F -- User-supplied function subprogram which gives shear C strain-rate for each slip system based on current C values of resolved shear stress and current strength C C DFDX -- User-supplied function subprogram dF/dX, where x is the C ratio of resolved shear stress over current strength C----- Variables: C C GAMMA -- shear strain in each slip system at the start of time C step (INPUT) C TAUSLP -- resolved shear stress in each slip system (INPUT) C GSLIP -- current strength (INPUT) C NSLIP -- number of slip systems in this set (INPUT) C C FSLIP -- current value of F for each slip system (OUTPUT) C DFDXSP -- current value of DFDX for each slip system (OUTPUT) C C PROP -- material constants characterizing the strain hardening C law (INPUT) C C For the current power law strain hardening law C PROP(1) -- power law hardening exponent C PROP(1) = infinity corresponds to a rate-independent C material C PROP(2) -- coefficient in front of power law hardening C----- Use single precision on cray C IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) EXTERNAL F, DFDX DIMENSION GAMMA(NSLIP), TAUSLP(NSLIP), GSLIP(NSLIP), 2 FSLIP(NSLIP), DFDXSP(NSLIP), PROP(8) DO I=1,NSLIP X=TAUSLP(I)/GSLIP(I) FSLIP(I)=F(X,PROP) DFDXSP(I)=DFDX(X,PROP) END DO RETURN END C----------------------------------- C----- Use single precision on cray C REAL*8 FUNCTION F(X,PROP) C----- User-supplied function subprogram which gives shear C strain-rate for each slip system based on current values of C resolved shear stress and current strength C C----- Use single precision on cray C IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) DIMENSION PROP(8) F=PROP(2)*(ABS(X))**PROP(1)*DSIGN(1.D0,X) RETURN END C----------------------------------- C----- Use single precision on cray C REAL*8 FUNCTION DFDX(X,PROP) C----- User-supplied function subprogram dF/dX, where x is the C ratio of resolved shear stress over current strength C----- Use single precision on cray C IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) DIMENSION PROP(8) DFDX=PROP(1)*PROP(2)*(ABS(X))**(PROP(1)-1.) RETURN END C---------------------------------------------------------------------- CFIXA SUBROUTINE LATENTHARDEN (GAMMA, TAUSLP, GSLIP, GMSLTL, GAMTOL, 2 NSLIP, NSLPTL, NSET, H, PROP, ND) CFIXB C----- This subroutine calculates the current self- and latent- C hardening moduli for all slip systems in a rate-dependent single C crystal. Two kinds of hardening law are used here. The first C law, proposed by Asaro, and Pierce et al, assumes a HYPER SECANT C relation between self- and latent-hardening moduli and overall C shear strain. The Bauschinger effect has been neglected. The C second is Bassani's hardening law, which gives an explicit C expression of slip interactions between slip systems. The C classical three stage hardening for FCC single crystal could be C simulated. C----- The hardening coefficients are assumed the same for all slip C systems in each set, though they could be different from set to C set, e.g. <110>{111} and <110>{100}. C----- Users who want to use their own self- and latent-hardening law C may change the function subprograms HSELF (self hardening) and C HLATNT (latent hardening). The parameters characterizing these C hardening laws are passed into HSELF and HLATNT through array C PROP. C----- Function subprograms: C C HSELF -- User-supplied self-hardening function in a slip C system C C HLATNT -- User-supplied latent-hardening function C----- Variables: C C GAMMA -- shear strain in all slip systems at the start of time C step (INPUT) C TAUSLP -- resolved shear stress in all slip systems (INPUT) C GSLIP -- current strength (INPUT) CFIX GMSLTL -- total cumulative shear strains on each individual slip system CFIX (INPUT) C GAMTOL -- total cumulative shear strains over all slip systems C (INPUT) C NSLIP -- number of slip systems in each set (INPUT) C NSLPTL -- total number of slip systems in all the sets (INPUT) C NSET -- number of sets of slip systems (INPUT) C C H -- current value of self- and latent-hardening moduli C (OUTPUT) C H(i,i) -- self-hardening modulus of the ith slip system C (no sum over i) C H(i,j) -- latent-hardening molulus of the ith slip C system due to a slip in the jth slip system C (i not equal j) C C PROP -- material constants characterizing the self- and latent- C hardening law (INPUT) C C For the HYPER SECANT hardening law C PROP(1,i) -- initial hardening modulus H0 in the ith C set of slip systems C PROP(2,i) -- saturation stress TAUs in the ith set of C slip systems C PROP(3,i) -- initial critical resolved shear stress C TAU0 in the ith set of slip systems C PROP(9,i) -- ratio of latent to self-hardening Q in the C ith set of slip systems C PROP(10,i)-- ratio of latent-hardening from other sets C of slip systems to self-hardening in the C ith set of slip systems Q1 C C For Bassani's hardening law C PROP(1,i) -- initial hardening modulus H0 in the ith C set of slip systems C PROP(2,i) -- stage I stress TAUI in the ith set of C slip systems (or the breakthrough stress C where large plastic flow initiates) C PROP(3,i) -- initial critical resolved shear stress C TAU0 in the ith set of slip systems C PROP(4,i) -- hardening modulus during easy glide Hs in C the ith set of slip systems C PROP(5,i) -- amount of slip Gamma0 after which a given C interaction between slip systems in the C ith set reaches peak strength C PROP(6,i) -- amount of slip Gamma0 after which a given C interaction between slip systems in the C ith set and jth set (i not equal j) C reaches peak strength C PROP(7,i) -- representing the magnitude of the strength C of interaction in the ith set of slip C system C PROP(8,i) -- representing the magnitude of the strength C of interaction between the ith set and jth C set of system C PROP(9,i) -- ratio of latent to self-hardening Q in the C ith set of slip systems C PROP(10,i)-- ratio of latent-hardening from other sets C of slip systems to self-hardening in the C ith set of slip systems Q1 C C ND -- leading dimension of arrays defined in subroutine UMAT C (INPUT) C----- Use single precision on cray C IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) EXTERNAL HSELF, HLATNT CFIXA DIMENSION GAMMA(NSLPTL), TAUSLP(NSLPTL), GMSLTL(NSLPTL), 2 GSLIP(NSLPTL), NSLIP(NSET), PROP(16,NSET), 3 H(ND,NSLPTL) CFIXB CHECK=0. DO I=1,NSET DO J=4,8 CHECK=CHECK+ABS(PROP(J,I)) END DO END DO C----- CHECK=0 -- HYPER SECANT hardening law C otherwise -- Bassani's hardening law ISELF=0 DO I=1,NSET ISET=I DO J=1,NSLIP(I) ISELF=ISELF+1 DO LATENT=1,NSLPTL IF (LATENT.EQ.ISELF) THEN CFIXA H(LATENT,ISELF)=HSELF(GAMMA,GMSLTL,GAMTOL,NSLPTL, 2 NSET,NSLIP,PROP(1,I),CHECK, 3 ISELF,ISET) CFIXB ELSE CFIXA H(LATENT,ISELF)=HLATNT(GAMMA,GMSLTL,GAMTOL,NSLPTL, 2 NSET,NSLIP,PROP(1,I),CHECK, 3 ISELF,ISET,LATENT) CFIXB END IF END DO END DO END DO RETURN END C----------------------------------- C----- Use single precision on cray CFIXA REAL*8 FUNCTION HSELF(GAMMA,GMSLTL,GAMTOL,NSLPTL,NSET, 2 NSLIP,PROP,CHECK,ISELF,ISET) CFIXB C----- User-supplied self-hardening function in a slip system C----- Use single precision on cray C IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) CFIXA DIMENSION GAMMA(NSLPTL), NSLIP(NSET), PROP(16), 2 GMSLTL(NSLPTL) CFIXB IF (CHECK.EQ.0.) THEN C----- HYPER SECANT hardening law by Asaro, Pierce et al TERM1=PROP(1)*GAMTOL/(PROP(2)-PROP(3)) TERM2=2.*EXP(-TERM1)/(1.+EXP(-2.*TERM1)) HSELF=PROP(1)*TERM2**2 ELSE C----- Bassani's hardening law CFIXA TERM1=(PROP(1)-PROP(4))*GMSLTL(ISELF)/(PROP(2)-PROP(3)) CFIXB TERM2=2.*EXP(-TERM1)/(1.+EXP(-2.*TERM1)) F=(PROP(1)-PROP(4))*TERM2**2+PROP(4) ID=0 G=1. DO I=1,NSET IF (I.EQ.ISET) THEN GAMMA0=PROP(5) FAB=PROP(7) ELSE GAMMA0=PROP(6) FAB=PROP(8) END IF DO J=1,NSLIP(I) ID=ID+1 IF (ID.NE.ISELF) THEN CFIXA G=G+FAB*TANH(GMSLTL(ID)/GAMMA0) CFIXB END IF END DO END DO HSELF=F*G END IF RETURN END C----------------------------------- C----- Use single precision on cray CFIXA REAL*8 FUNCTION HLATNT(GAMMA,GMSLTL,GAMTOL,NSLPTL,NSET, 2 NSLIP,PROP,CHECK,ISELF,ISET,LATENT) CFIXB C----- User-supplied latent-hardening function C----- Use single precision on cray C IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) CFIXA DIMENSION GAMMA(NSLPTL), NSLIP(NSET), PROP(16), 2 GMSLTL(NSLPTL) CFIXB ILOWER=0 IUPPER=NSLIP(1) IF (ISET.GT.1) THEN DO K=2,ISET ILOWER=ILOWER+NSLIP(K-1) IUPPER=IUPPER+NSLIP(K) END DO END IF IF (LATENT.GT.ILOWER.AND.LATENT.LE.IUPPER) THEN Q=PROP(9) ELSE Q=PROP(10) END IF IF (CHECK.EQ.0.) THEN C----- HYPER SECANT hardening law by Asaro, Pierce et al TERM1=PROP(1)*GAMTOL/(PROP(2)-PROP(3)) TERM2=2.*EXP(-TERM1)/(1.+EXP(-2.*TERM1)) HLATNT=PROP(1)*TERM2**2*Q ELSE C----- Bassani's hardening law CFIXA TERM1=(PROP(1)-PROP(4))*GMSLTL(ISELF)/(PROP(2)-PROP(3)) CFIXB TERM2=2.*EXP(-TERM1)/(1.+EXP(-2.*TERM1)) F=(PROP(1)-PROP(4))*TERM2**2+PROP(4) ID=0 G=1. DO I=1,NSET IF (I.EQ.ISET) THEN GAMMA0=PROP(5) FAB=PROP(7) ELSE GAMMA0=PROP(6) FAB=PROP(8) END IF DO J=1,NSLIP(I) ID=ID+1 IF (ID.NE.ISELF) THEN CFIXA G=G+FAB*TANH(GMSLTL(ID)/GAMMA0) CFIXB END IF END DO END DO HLATNT=F*G*Q END IF RETURN END C---------------------------------------------------------------------- CFIXA SUBROUTINE ITERATION (GAMMA, TAUSLP, GSLIP, GMSLTL, GAMTOL, 2 NSLPTL, NSET, NSLIP, ND, PROP, DGAMOD, 3 DHDGDG) CFIXB C----- This subroutine generates arrays for the Newton-Rhapson C iteration method. C----- Users who want to use their own self- and latent-hardening law C may change the function subprograms DHSELF (self hardening) and C DHLATN (latent hardening). The parameters characterizing these C hardening laws are passed into DHSELF and DHLATN through array C PROP. C----- Function subprograms: C C DHSELF -- User-supplied function of the derivative of self- C hardening moduli C C DHLATN -- User-supplied function of the derivative of latent- C hardening moduli C----- Variables: C C GAMMA -- shear strain in all slip systems at the start of time C step (INPUT) C TAUSLP -- resolved shear stress in all slip systems (INPUT) C GSLIP -- current strength (INPUT) CFIX GMSLTL -- total cumulative shear strains on each individual slip system CFIX (INPUT) C GAMTOL -- total cumulative shear strains over all slip systems C (INPUT) C NSLPTL -- total number of slip systems in all the sets (INPUT) C NSET -- number of sets of slip systems (INPUT) C NSLIP -- number of slip systems in each set (INPUT) C ND -- leading dimension of arrays defined in subroutine UMAT C (INPUT) C C PROP -- material constants characterizing the self- and latent- C hardening law (INPUT) C C For the HYPER SECANT hardening law C PROP(1,i) -- initial hardening modulus H0 in the ith C set of slip systems C PROP(2,i) -- saturation stress TAUs in the ith set of C slip systems C PROP(3,i) -- initial critical resolved shear stress C TAU0 in the ith set of slip systems C PROP(9,i) -- ratio of latent to self-hardening Q in the C ith set of slip systems C PROP(10,i)-- ratio of latent-hardening from other sets C of slip systems to self-hardening in the C ith set of slip systems Q1 C C For Bassani's hardening law C PROP(1,i) -- initial hardening modulus H0 in the ith C set of slip systems C PROP(2,i) -- stage I stress TAUI in the ith set of C slip systems (or the breakthrough stress C where large plastic flow initiates) C PROP(3,i) -- initial critical resolved shear stress C TAU0 in the ith set of slip systems C PROP(4,i) -- hardening modulus during easy glide Hs in C the ith set of slip systems C PROP(5,i) -- amount of slip Gamma0 after which a given C interaction between slip systems in the C ith set reaches peak strength C PROP(6,i) -- amount of slip Gamma0 after which a given C interaction between slip systems in the C ith set and jth set (i not equal j) C reaches peak strength C PROP(7,i) -- representing the magnitude of the strength C of interaction in the ith set of slip C system C PROP(8,i) -- representing the magnitude of the strength C of interaction between the ith set and jth C set of system C PROP(9,i) -- ratio of latent to self-hardening Q in the C ith set of slip systems C PROP(10,i)-- ratio of latent-hardening from other sets C of slip systems to self-hardening in the C ith set of slip systems Q1 C C----- Arrays for iteration: C C DGAMOD (INPUT) C C DHDGDG (OUTPUT) C C----- Use single precision on cray C IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) EXTERNAL DHSELF, DHLATN CFIXA DIMENSION GAMMA(NSLPTL), TAUSLP(NSLPTL), GMSLTL(NSLPTL), 2 GSLIP(NSLPTL), NSLIP(NSET), PROP(16,NSET), 3 DGAMOD(NSLPTL), DHDGDG(ND,NSLPTL) CFIXB CHECK=0. DO I=1,NSET DO J=4,8 CHECK=CHECK+ABS(PROP(J,I)) END DO END DO C----- CHECK=0 -- HYPER SECANT hardening law C otherwise -- Bassani's hardening law ISELF=0 DO I=1,NSET ISET=I DO J=1,NSLIP(I) ISELF=ISELF+1 DO KDERIV=1,NSLPTL DHDGDG(ISELF,KDERIV)=0. DO LATENT=1,NSLPTL IF (LATENT.EQ.ISELF) THEN CFIXA DHDG=DHSELF(GAMMA,GMSLTL,GAMTOL,NSLPTL,NSET, 2 NSLIP,PROP(1,I),CHECK,ISELF,ISET, 3 KDERIV) CFIXB ELSE CFIXA DHDG=DHLATN(GAMMA,GMSLTL,GAMTOL,NSLPTL,NSET, 2 NSLIP,PROP(1,I),CHECK,ISELF,ISET, 3 LATENT,KDERIV) CFIXB END IF DHDGDG(ISELF,KDERIV)=DHDGDG(ISELF,KDERIV)+ 2 DHDG*ABS(DGAMOD(LATENT)) END DO END DO END DO END DO RETURN END C----------------------------------- C----- Use single precision on cray CFIXA REAL*8 FUNCTION DHSELF(GAMMA,GMSLTL,GAMTOL,NSLPTL,NSET, 2 NSLIP,PROP,CHECK,ISELF,ISET, 3 KDERIV) CFIXB C----- User-supplied function of the derivative of self-hardening C moduli C----- Use single precision on cray C IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) CFIXA DIMENSION GAMMA(NSLPTL), GMSLTL(NSLPTL), 2 NSLIP(NSET), PROP(16) CFIXB IF (CHECK.EQ.0.) THEN C----- HYPER SECANT hardening law by Asaro, Pierce et al TERM1=PROP(1)*GAMTOL/(PROP(2)-PROP(3)) TERM2=2.*EXP(-TERM1)/(1.+EXP(-2.*TERM1)) TERM3=PROP(1)/(PROP(2)-PROP(3))*DSIGN(1.D0,GAMMA(KDERIV)) DHSELF=-2.*PROP(1)*TERM2**2*TANH(TERM1)*TERM3 ELSE C----- Bassani's hardening law CFIXA TERM1=(PROP(1)-PROP(4))*GMSLTL(ISELF)/(PROP(2)-PROP(3)) CFIXB TERM2=2.*EXP(-TERM1)/(1.+EXP(-2.*TERM1)) TERM3=(PROP(1)-PROP(4))/(PROP(2)-PROP(3)) IF (KDERIV.EQ.ISELF) THEN F=-2.*(PROP(1)-PROP(4))*TERM2**2*TANH(TERM1)*TERM3 ID=0 G=1. DO I=1,NSET IF (I.EQ.ISET) THEN GAMMA0=PROP(5) FAB=PROP(7) ELSE GAMMA0=PROP(6) FAB=PROP(8) END IF DO J=1,NSLIP(I) ID=ID+1 CFIXA IF (ID.NE.ISELF) G=G+FAB*TANH(GMSLTL(ID)/GAMMA0) CFIXB END DO END DO ELSE F=(PROP(1)-PROP(4))*TERM2**2+PROP(4) ILOWER=0 IUPPER=NSLIP(1) IF (ISET.GT.1) THEN DO K=2,ISET ILOWER=ILOWER+NSLIP(K-1) IUPPER=IUPPER+NSLIP(K) END DO END IF IF (KDERIV.GT.ILOWER.AND.KDERIV.LE.IUPPER) THEN GAMMA0=PROP(5) FAB=PROP(7) ELSE GAMMA0=PROP(6) FAB=PROP(8) END IF CFIXA TERM4=GMSLTL(KDERIV)/GAMMA0 CFIXB TERM5=2.*EXP(-TERM4)/(1.+EXP(-2.*TERM4)) G=FAB/GAMMA0*TERM5**2 END IF DHSELF=F*G END IF RETURN END C----------------------------------- C----- Use single precision on cray CFIXA REAL*8 FUNCTION DHLATN(GAMMA,GMSLTL,GAMTOL,NSLPTL,NSET, 2 NSLIP,PROP,CHECK,ISELF,ISET,LATENT, 3 KDERIV) CFIXB C----- User-supplied function of the derivative of latent-hardening C moduli C----- Use single precision on cray C IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) CFIXA DIMENSION GAMMA(NSLPTL), GMSLTL(NSLPTL), NSLIP(NSET), 2 PROP(16) CFIXB ILOWER=0 IUPPER=NSLIP(1) IF (ISET.GT.1) THEN DO K=2,ISET ILOWER=ILOWER+NSLIP(K-1) IUPPER=IUPPER+NSLIP(K) END DO END IF IF (LATENT.GT.ILOWER.AND.LATENT.LE.IUPPER) THEN Q=PROP(9) ELSE Q=PROP(10) END IF IF (CHECK.EQ.0.) THEN C----- HYPER SECANT hardening law by Asaro, Pierce et al TERM1=PROP(1)*GAMTOL/(PROP(2)-PROP(3)) TERM2=2.*EXP(-TERM1)/(1.+EXP(-2.*TERM1)) TERM3=PROP(1)/(PROP(2)-PROP(3))*DSIGN(1.D0,GAMMA(KDERIV)) DHLATN=-2.*PROP(1)*TERM2**2*TANH(TERM1)*TERM3*Q ELSE C----- Bassani's hardening law CFIXA TERM1=(PROP(1)-PROP(4))*GMSLTL(ISELF)/(PROP(2)-PROP(3)) CFIXB TERM2=2.*EXP(-TERM1)/(1.+EXP(-2.*TERM1)) TERM3=(PROP(1)-PROP(4))/(PROP(2)-PROP(3)) IF (KDERIV.EQ.ISELF) THEN F=-2.*(PROP(1)-PROP(4))*TERM2**2*TANH(TERM1)*TERM3 ID=0 G=1. DO I=1,NSET IF (I.EQ.ISET) THEN GAMMA0=PROP(5) FAB=PROP(7) ELSE GAMMA0=PROP(6) FAB=PROP(8) END IF DO J=1,NSLIP(I) ID=ID+1 CFIXA IF (ID.NE.ISELF) G=G+FAB*TANH(GMSLTL(ID)/GAMMA0) CFIXB END DO END DO ELSE F=(PROP(1)-PROP(4))*TERM2**2+PROP(4) ILOWER=0 IUPPER=NSLIP(1) IF (ISET.GT.1) THEN DO K=2,ISET ILOWER=ILOWER+NSLIP(K-1) IUPPER=IUPPER+NSLIP(K) END DO END IF IF (KDERIV.GT.ILOWER.AND.KDERIV.LE.IUPPER) THEN GAMMA0=PROP(5) FAB=PROP(7) ELSE GAMMA0=PROP(6) FAB=PROP(8) END IF CFIXA TERM4=GMSLTL(KDERIV)/GAMMA0 CFIXB TERM5=2.*EXP(-TERM4)/(1.+EXP(-2.*TERM4)) G=FAB/GAMMA0*TERM5**2 END IF DHLATN=F*G*Q END IF RETURN END C---------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE LUDCMP (A, N, NP, INDX, D) C----- LU decomposition C----- Use single precision on cray C IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) PARAMETER (NMAX=200, TINY=1.0E-20) DIMENSION A(NP,NP), INDX(N), VV(NMAX) D=1. DO I=1,N AAMAX=0. DO J=1,N IF (ABS(A(I,J)).GT.AAMAX) AAMAX=ABS(A(I,J)) END DO IF (AAMAX.EQ.0.) PAUSE 'Singular matrix.' VV(I)=1./AAMAX END DO DO J=1,N DO I=1,J-1 SUM=A(I,J) DO K=1,I-1 SUM=SUM-A(I,K)*A(K,J) END DO A(I,J)=SUM END DO AAMAX=0. DO I=J,N SUM=A(I,J) DO K=1,J-1 SUM=SUM-A(I,K)*A(K,J) END DO A(I,J)=SUM DUM=VV(I)*ABS(SUM) IF (DUM.GE.AAMAX) THEN IMAX=I AAMAX=DUM END IF END DO IF (J.NE.IMAX) THEN DO K=1,N DUM=A(IMAX,K) A(IMAX,K)=A(J,K) A(J,K)=DUM END DO D=-D VV(IMAX)=VV(J) END IF INDX(J)=IMAX IF (A(J,J).EQ.0.) A(J,J)=TINY IF (J.NE.N) THEN DUM=1./A(J,J) DO I=J+1,N A(I,J)=A(I,J)*DUM END DO END IF END DO RETURN END C---------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE LUBKSB (A, N, NP, INDX, B) C----- Linear equation solver based on LU decomposition C----- Use single precision on cray C IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) DIMENSION A(NP,NP), INDX(N), B(N) II=0 DO I=1,N LL=INDX(I) SUM=B(LL) B(LL)=B(I) IF (II.NE.0) THEN DO J=II,I-1 SUM=SUM-A(I,J)*B(J) END DO ELSE IF (SUM.NE.0.) THEN II=I END IF B(I)=SUM END DO DO I=N,1,-1 SUM=B(I) IF (I.LT.N) THEN DO J=I+1,N SUM=SUM-A(I,J)*B(J) END DO END IF B(I)=SUM/A(I,I) END DO RETURN END ** ** ** ******************** Load step follows ***************************** ** *RESTART,WRITE,FREQUENCY=10 ** *STEP,INC=500,NLGEOM *STATIC 0.0005,1.0,0.0000001,0.2 *DLOAD ONE,P2,-2.0E2 ** *NODE PRINT,FREQUENCY=50 U,RF *EL PRINT,FREQUENCY=50 S *EL PRINT,FREQUENCY=50 E *EL PRINT,FREQUENCY=50 SDV13,SDV14,SDV15,SDV16,SDV17,SDV18,SDV19,SDV20 SDV21,SDV22,SDV23,SDV24,SDV109 ** *NODE FILE,FREQUENCY=1 U *EL FILE,FREQUENCY=1 S,E *EL FILE,FREQUENCY=1 SDV ** *END STEP