subroutine umat(stress,statev,ddsdde,sse,spd,scd,rpl, 1 ddsddt,drplde,drpldt,stran,dstran,time,dtime, 2 temp,dtemp,predef,dpred,cmname,ndi,nshr,ntens, 3 nstatv,props,nprops,coords,drot,pnewdt,celent, 4 dfgrd0,dfgrd1,noel,npt,layer,kspt,kstep,kinc) c c include '' c modified from huang umat- jg:20/07/12 c ******************************************************************* c - only suitable for finite deformation isotropic elasticity c with fcc and hcp crystal slip. c - most parameters are now hard-coded. c - most documentation from original umat removed. c - constants converted to double precision c - direction vectors must be orthogonal unit vectors c ******************************************************************* parameter (zero=0.d0, one=1.d0, two=2.d0) character*8 cmname dimension stress(ntens),statev(nstatv),ddsdde(ntens,ntens), 1 dstran(ntens),props(nprops),drot(3,3) dimension ispdir(3),ispnor(3),slpdir(3,18),slpnor(3,18), 1 slpdef(6,18),slpspn(3,18),dspdir(3,18),dspnor(3,18), 2 d(6,6),rotate(3,3),fslip(18),dfdxsp(18),ddemsd(6,18), 3 h(18,18),ddgdde(18,6),dstres(6),delats(6),dspin(3), 4 dvgrad(3,3),dgamma(18),dtausp(18),dgslip(18), 5 workst(18,18),indx(18),term(3,3),trm0(3,3),itrm(3) dimension fslip1(18),stres1(6),gamma1(18),tausp1(18),gslp1(18), 1 spnor1(3,18),spdir1(3,18),ddsde1(6,6),dsold(6), 2 dgamod(18),dtauod(18),dgspod(18),dspnro(3,18), 3 dspdro(3,18),dhdgdg(18,18),rwkdir(3,24),rwknor(3,24), 3 indxL(3),termd(3),termn(3),gamma(18),tauslpL(18) c c PROPS c 1) Elastic Modulus c 2) Poisson's ratio c 3) x-axis orientaion in GLOBAL, x-coord c 4) x-axis orientation in GLOBAL, y-coord c 5) x-axis orientation in GLOBAL, z-coord c 6) y-axis orientation in GLOBAL, x-coord c 7) y-axis orientation in GLOBAL, y-coord c 8) y-axis orientation in GLOBAL, z-coord c 9) Crystal type: 1-4. FCC=1, HCP=2,3,4 (+Pyr, +Twin) c 10) Initial slip system strength FCC or HCP Basal c 11) FCC Hardening param c 12) FCC/HCp Basal hardening param c 13) Initial slip system strength HCP Prismatic c 14) Prismatic hardening param c 15) Prismatic hardening param c 16) Initial slip system strength HCP Pyramidal c 17) Pyramidal hardening param c 18) Pyramidal hardening param c 19) Initial slip system strength HCP Twin c 20) Twin system hardening param c 21) Twin system hardening param c 22) Twin system hardening param c ********** INITIALIZATION ********** c----- Elastic matrix in GLOBAL system gshear = props(1)/(2.*(1.+props(2))) e11 = 2.*gshear*(one-props(2))/(1.-2.*props(2)) e12 = 2.*gshear*props(2)/(1.-2.*props(2)) d = 0. do j = 1,3 d(j,j) = e11 do i = 1,3 if( d(i,j) = e12 end do d(j+3,j+3) = gshear end do c------Crystal Type: ictype=nint(props(9)) if(ictype == 1)then c FCC nslptl = 12 elseif(ictype == 2)then C HCP - Basal and Prism nslptl = 6 elseif(ictype == 3)then c HCP - Basal, Prism, Pyr nslptl = 12 else c HCP - Basal, Prism, Pyr, Twin nslptl = 18 endif adot=0.001 C----- Implicit integration parameter: THETA theta = 0.5 C----- Iteration itrmax = 1 gamerr = 1.e-5 nitrtn = -1 c dsold = zero dgamod = zero dtauod = zero dgspod = zero dspnro = zero dspdro = zero C----- Increment of spin associated with the material element: DSPIN do j = 1,3 do i = 1,3 term(i,j) = drot(j,i) trm0(i,j) = drot(j,i) end do term(j,j) = term(j,j)+one trm0(j,j) = trm0(j,j)-one end do call ludcmp(term, 3, 3, itrm, ddcmp) do j = 1,3 call lubksb(term, 3, 3, itrm, trm0(1,j)) end do dspin(1) = trm0(2,1)-trm0(1,2) dspin(2) = trm0(1,3)-trm0(3,1) dspin(3) = trm0(3,2)-trm0(2,3) C-----Increment of dilatational strain: DEV dev = zero do i = 1,ndi dev = dev+dstran(i) end do c-----*********************** C----- START ITERATION 1000 continue nitrtn = nitrtn+1 C----- If this is the first iteration then initialize slip calcs if (statev(1) == 0.) then if (ictype == 1)then c----- FCC Crystal Type c----- generating slip directions rwkdir = 1./sqrt(2.) do j = 1,6 do i = 1,3 if (i.eq.j.or.j-i.eq.3)rwkdir(i,j) = 0. end do end do rwkdir(1,6) = -rwkdir(1,6) rwkdir(2,4) = -rwkdir(2,4) rwkdir(3,5) = -rwkdir(3,5) c-----generating slip planes rwknor = 1./sqrt(3.) do i = 1,3 do j = 1,4 if (j.eq.i+1)rwknor(i,j) = -rwknor(i,j) end do end do c------Generating slip systems nslip = 0 do j = 1,4 do i = 1,6 rdot = 0. do k = 1,3 rdot = rdot+rwkdir(k,i)*rwknor(k,j) end do if (rdot.eq.0.) then nslip = nslip+1 do k = 1,3 slpdir(k,nslip) = rwkdir(k,i) slpnor(k,nslip) = rwknor(k,j) end do end if end do end do else c----- HCP Crystal Type c----- generating slip directions and normals for hcp-basal rwkdir = 0. rwknor = 0. angle = acos(-1.)/3. cangle = cos(angle) sangle = sin(angle) rwkdir(1,1) = 1. rwkdir(2,1) = 0. rwkdir(1,2) = cangle rwkdir(2,2) = sangle rwkdir(1,3) = -cangle rwkdir(2,3) = sangle rwknor(3,1) = 1. rwknor(3,2) = 1. rwknor(3,3) = 1. do i = 1,3 do k = 1,3 slpdir(k,i) = rwkdir(k,i) slpnor(k,i) = rwknor(k,i) enddo enddo c----- generating slip directions and normals for hcp-prismatic rwknor = 0. rwknor(1,1) = 0. rwknor(2,1) = -1. rwknor(1,2) = sangle rwknor(2,2) = -cangle rwknor(1,3) = -sangle rwknor(2,3) = -cangle do i = 4,6 do k = 1,3 slpdir(k,i) = rwkdir(k,i-3) slpnor(k,i) = rwknor(k,i-3) enddo enddo endif if(ictype >= 3)then c ##### 2nd order pyramidal ##### aspect = 1.624 c slip directions do j = 1,6 rwkdir(3,j) = aspect enddo rwkdir(1,1) = -cangle rwkdir(2,1) = -sangle rwkdir(1,2) = cangle rwkdir(2,2) = -sangle rwkdir(1,3) = -2.*cangle rwkdir(2,3) = 0. do j = 4,6 rwkdir(1,j) = -rwkdir(1,j-3) rwkdir(2,j) = -rwkdir(2,j-3) enddo rlength=sqrt(1.+aspect*aspect) do j = 1,6 do i = 1,3 rwkdir(i,j) = rwkdir(i,j)/rlength enddo enddo c slip normals do j = 1,6 rwknor(3,j) = 4.*sangle*cangle enddo rwknor(1,1) = aspect*sangle rwknor(2,1) = 3.*aspect*cangle rwknor(1,2) = -aspect*sangle rwknor(2,2) = 3.*aspect*cangle rwknor(1,3) = 2.*aspect*sangle rwknor(2,3) = 0. do j = 4,6 rwknor(1,j) = -rwknor(1,j-3) rwknor(2,j) = -rwknor(2,j-3) enddo rlength=sqrt(3.*(1.+aspect*aspect) do j = 1,6 do i = 1,3 rwknor(i,j) = rwknor(i,j)/rlength enddo enddo nslip = 6 do j = 1,6 nslip = nslip+1 do i = 1,3 slpdir(i,nslip) = rwkdir(i,j) slpnor(i,nslip) = rwknor(i,j) enddo enddo if(ictype == 4)then c ###### twinning planes ##### c slip directions do j = 1,6 rwkdir(3,j) = aspect enddo rwkdir(1,1) = 0. rwkdir(2,1) = -2.*sangle rwkdir(1,2) = -3.*cangle rwkdir(2,2) = -1.*sangle rwkdir(1,3) = -3.*cangle rwkdir(2,3) = 1.*sangle do j = 4,6 rwkdir(1,j) = -rwkdir(1,j-3) rwkdir(2,j) = -rwkdir(2,j-3) enddo rlength=sqrt(3.+aspect*aspect) do j = 1,6 do i = 1,3 rwkdir(i,j) = rwkdir(i,j)/rlength enddo enddo c slip normals do j = 1,6 rwknor(3,j) = 4.*sangle*cangle enddo rwknor(1,1) = 0. rwknor(2,1) = 2.*aspect*cangle rwknor(1,2) = aspect*sangle rwknor(2,2) = aspect*cangle rwknor(1,3) = aspect*sangle rwknor(2,3) = -aspect*cangle do j = 4,6 rwknor(1,j) = -rwknor(1,j-3) rwknor(2,j) = -rwknor(2,j-3) enddo do j = 1,6 do i = 1,3 rwknor(i,j) = rwknor(i,j)/rlength enddo enddo do j = 1,6 nslip = nslip+1 do i = 1,3 slpdir(i,nslip) = rwkdir(i,j) slpnor(i,nslip) = rwknor(i,j) enddo enddo endif endif C-----Unit vectors in slip dirs and unit norms-Global system c-----Generate rotation matrix do i = 1,3 term(i,1) = props(i+2) term(i,2) = props(i+5) enddo term(1,3) = term(2,1)*term(3,2)-term(3,1)*term(2,2) term(2,3) = term(3,1)*term(1,2)-term(1,1)*term(3,2) term(3,3) = term(1,1)*term(2,2)-term(2,1)*term(1,2) call ludcmp (term, 3, 3, indxL, dcmp) rotate = 0. do j = 1,3 do i = 1,3 if (i.eq.j)rotate(i,j) = 1. end do end do do j = 1,3 call lubksb (term, 3, 3, indxL, rotate(1,j)) end do c--- Rotate slip normals and directions to global system do j = 1,nslptl do i = 1,3 termd(i) = 0. termn(i) = 0. do k = 1,3 termd(i) = termd(i)+rotate(i,k)*slpdir(k,j) termn(i) = termn(i)+rotate(i,k)*slpnor(k,j) end do end do do i = 1,3 slpdir(i,j) = termd(i) slpnor(i,j) = termn(i) end do end do C-----Get Slip deformation tensor: SLPDEF (Schmid factors) do j=1,nslptl slpdef(1,j)=slpdir(1,j)*slpnor(1,j) slpdef(2,j)=slpdir(2,j)*slpnor(2,j) slpdef(3,j)=slpdir(3,j)*slpnor(3,j) slpdef(4,j)=slpdir(1,j)*slpnor(2,j) 1 +slpdir(2,j)*slpnor(1,j) slpdef(5,j)=slpdir(1,j)*slpnor(3,j) 1 +slpdir(3,j)*slpnor(1,j) slpdef(6,j)=slpdir(2,j)*slpnor(3,j) 1 +slpdir(3,j)*slpnor(2,j) end do C-----Store normals and directions statev(nstatv)=nslptl idnor=3*nslptl iddir=6*nslptl do j=1,nslptl do i=1,3 idnor=idnor+1 iddir=iddir+1 statev(idnor)=slpnor(i,j) statev(iddir)=slpdir(i,j) end do end do C-----Initial value of the current strength for all slip systems do j=1,nslptl if(ictype == 1)then statev(j)=props(10) else if(j<=3)then statev(j)=props(10) elseif(j<=6)then statev(j)=props(13) elseif(j<=12)then statev(j)=props(16) else statev(j)=props(19) endif endif enddo C-----Initial value of shear strain in slip systems do i=1,nslptl statev(nslptl+i)=0. end do statev(9*nslptl+1)=0. C-----Initial value of the resolved shear stress in slip systems do i=1,nslptl term1=0. do j=1,ntens if (j.le.ndi) then term1=term1+slpdef(j,i)*stress(j) else term1=term1+slpdef(j-ndi+3,i)*stress(j) end if end do statev(2*nslptl+i)=term1 end do else C-----Current stress state idnor=3*nslptl iddir=6*nslptl do j=1,nslptl do i=1,3 idnor=idnor+1 iddir=iddir+1 slpnor(i,j)=statev(idnor) slpdir(i,j)=statev(iddir) end do end do C-----Slip deformation tensor: SLPDEF (Schmid factors) do j=1,nslptl slpdef(1,j)=slpdir(1,j)*slpnor(1,j) slpdef(2,j)=slpdir(2,j)*slpnor(2,j) slpdef(3,j)=slpdir(3,j)*slpnor(3,j) slpdef(4,j)=slpdir(1,j)*slpnor(2,j) 1 +slpdir(2,j)*slpnor(1,j) slpdef(5,j)=slpdir(1,j)*slpnor(3,j) 1 +slpdir(3,j)*slpnor(1,j) slpdef(6,j)=slpdir(2,j)*slpnor(3,j) 1 +slpdir(3,j)*slpnor(2,j) end do end if C-----Slip spin tensor: SLPSPN do j=1,nslptl slpspn(1,j)=0.5*(slpdir(1,j)*slpnor(2,j)- 2 slpdir(2,j)*slpnor(1,j)) slpspn(2,j)=0.5*(slpdir(3,j)*slpnor(1,j)- 2 slpdir(1,j)*slpnor(3,j)) slpspn(3,j)=0.5*(slpdir(2,j)*slpnor(3,j)- 2 slpdir(3,j)*slpnor(2,j)) end do C-----Double dot product of elastic moduli tensor with the slip C deformation tensor do j=1,nslptl do i=1,6 ddemsd(i,j)=0. do k=1,6 ddemsd(i,j)=ddemsd(i,j)+d(k,i)*slpdef(k,j) end do end do end do do j=1,nslptl ddemsd(4,j)=ddemsd(4,j)-slpspn(1,j)*stress(1) ddemsd(5,j)=ddemsd(5,j)+slpspn(2,j)*stress(1) if ( then ddemsd(4,j)=ddemsd(4,j)+slpspn(1,j)*stress(2) ddemsd(6,j)=ddemsd(6,j)-slpspn(3,j)*stress(2) end if if ( then ddemsd(5,j)=ddemsd(5,j)-slpspn(2,j)*stress(3) ddemsd(6,j)=ddemsd(6,j)+slpspn(3,j)*stress(3) end if if ( then ddemsd(1,j)=ddemsd(1,j)+slpspn(1,j)*stress(ndi+1) ddemsd(2,j)=ddemsd(2,j)-slpspn(1,j)*stress(ndi+1) ddemsd(5,j)=ddemsd(5,j)-slpspn(3,j)*stress(ndi+1) ddemsd(6,j)=ddemsd(6,j)+slpspn(2,j)*stress(ndi+1) end if if ( then ddemsd(1,j)=ddemsd(1,j)-slpspn(2,j)*stress(ndi+2) ddemsd(3,j)=ddemsd(3,j)+slpspn(2,j)*stress(ndi+2) ddemsd(4,j)=ddemsd(4,j)+slpspn(3,j)*stress(ndi+2) ddemsd(6,j)=ddemsd(6,j)-slpspn(1,j)*stress(ndi+2) end if if (nshr.eq.3) then ddemsd(2,j)=ddemsd(2,j)+slpspn(3,j)*stress(ndi+3) ddemsd(3,j)=ddemsd(3,j)-slpspn(3,j)*stress(ndi+3) ddemsd(4,j)=ddemsd(4,j)-slpspn(2,j)*stress(ndi+3) ddemsd(5,j)=ddemsd(5,j)+slpspn(1,j)*stress(ndi+3) end if end do C-----Shear strain-rate in a slip system at the start of increment: do i=1,nslptl tauslp=statev(2*nslptl+i) if(i>=13.and.tauslp<=0)then yield=1.e6 else yield=statev(i) endif x=tauslp/yield fslip(i)=adot*((abs(x))**50.)*dsign(1.d0,x) dfdxsp(i)=50.*adot*(abs(x))**(50.-1.0) end do C----- Self- and latent-hardening do i=1,nslptl gamma(i)=statev(nslptl+1) enddo gamtol=statev(9*nslptl+1) do iself = 1,nslptl do latent = 1,nslptl if(ictype == 1)then c FCC term1 = props(12)*gamtol/(props(11)-props(10)) term2 = 2.*exp(-term1)/ * (1.+exp(-2.*term1)) hlatnt = props(12)*term2**2 else C BASAL if(iself <= 3)then if(latent <= 3)then q = 0.2 else q = 0.5 endif if(iself == latent)q = 1. hlatnt = q*props(12) C PRISM elseif(iself <= 6)then if(latent <= 12)then q = 0.2 else q = 0.5 endif if(iself == latent)q = 1. hlatnt = q*props(15)*(1.d0-(props(13)/ * props(14)))*exp(-props(15)*(gamtol/ * props(14))) C PYRM elseif(iself <= 12)then if(latent <= 6)then q = 1. elseif(latent <= 12)then q = 0.2 else q = 0.25 endif if(iself == latent)q = 1. hlatnt = q*props(18)*(1.d0-props(16)/ * props(17))*exp(-props(18)*gamtol/ * props(17)) C TWIN else if(latent <= 6)then q = 1. else q = 0.2 endif if(iself == latent)q = 1. if(gamtol <= props(21))then hlatnt = q*props(20) else hlatnt = q*props(20)*((gamtol/props(21)) * **(props(22)-1.)) endif endif endif h(iself,latent) = hlatnt enddo end do C----- Solve the increment of shear strain in a slip system term1=theta*dtime do i=1,nslptl tauslp=statev(2*nslptl+i) if(i>=13.and.tauslp<=0)then yield=1.e6 else yield=statev(i) endif gslip=yield x=tauslp/gslip term2=term1*dfdxsp(i)/gslip term3=term1*x*dfdxsp(i)/gslip do j=1,nslptl term4=0. do k=1,6 term4=term4+ddemsd(k,i)*slpdef(k,j) end do workst(i,j)=term2*term4+h(i,j)*term3*dsign(1.d0,fslip(j)) if(,j)=workst(i,j)+term3*dhdgdg(i,j) end do workst(i,i)=workst(i,i)+1. end do call ludcmp (workst, nslptl, 18, indx, ddcmp) c-----increment of shear strain in a slip system: dgamma term1=theta*dtime do i=1,nslptl if (nitrtn.eq.0) then tauslp=statev(2*nslptl+i) if(i>=13.and.tauslp<=0)then yield=1.e6 else yield=statev(i) endif gslip=yield x=tauslp/gslip term2=term1*dfdxsp(i)/gslip dgamma(i)=0. do j=1,ndi dgamma(i)=dgamma(i)+ddemsd(j,i)*dstran(j) end do if ( then do j=1,nshr dgamma(i)=dgamma(i)+ddemsd(j+3,i)*dstran(j+ndi) end do end if dgamma(i)=dgamma(i)*term2+fslip(i)*dtime else dgamma(i)=term1*(fslip(i)-fslip1(i))+fslip1(i)*dtime 2 -dgamod(i) end if end do call lubksb (workst, nslptl, 18, indx, dgamma) do i=1,nslptl dgamma(i)=dgamma(i)+dgamod(i) end do c-----update the shear strain in a slip system: do i=1,nslptl statev(nslptl+i)=statev(nslptl+i)+dgamma(i)-dgamod(i) end do C-----Increment of current strength in a slip system: DGSLIP do i=1,nslptl dgslip(i)=0. do j=1,nslptl dgslip(i)=dgslip(i)+h(i,j)*abs(dgamma(j)) end do end do C----- Update the current strength in a slip system: do i=1,nslptl statev(i)=statev(i)+dgslip(i)-dgspod(i) end do C-----Increment of strain associated with lattice stretching: DELATS do j=1,6 delats(j)=0. end do do j=1,3 if (j.le.ndi) delats(j)=dstran(j) do i=1,nslptl delats(j)=delats(j)-slpdef(j,i)*dgamma(i) end do end do do j=1,3 if (j.le.nshr) delats(j+3)=dstran(j+ndi) do i=1,nslptl delats(j+3)=delats(j+3)-slpdef(j+3,i)*dgamma(i) end do end do C-----Increment of deformation gradient associated with lattice stretching do j=1,3 do i=1,3 if (i.eq.j) then dvgrad(i,j)=delats(i) else dvgrad(i,j)=delats(i+j+1) end if end do end do do j=1,3 do i=1,j if ( then ij2=i+j-2 if (mod(ij2,2).eq.1) then term1=1. else term1=-1. end if dvgrad(i,j)=dvgrad(i,j)+term1*dspin(ij2) dvgrad(j,i)=dvgrad(j,i)-term1*dspin(ij2) do k=1,nslptl dvgrad(i,j)=dvgrad(i,j)-term1*dgamma(k)* 2 slpspn(ij2,k) dvgrad(j,i)=dvgrad(j,i)+term1*dgamma(k)* 2 slpspn(ij2,k) end do end if end do end do C-----Increment of resolved shear stress in a slip system: DTAUSP do i=1,nslptl dtausp(i)=0. do j=1,6 dtausp(i)=dtausp(i)+ddemsd(j,i)*delats(j) end do end do C-----Update the resolved shear stress in a slip system: do i=1,nslptl statev(2*nslptl+i)=statev(2*nslptl+i)+dtausp(i)-dtauod(i) end do C-----Increment of stress: DSTRES do i=1,ntens dstres(i)=-stress(i)*dev end do do i=1,ndi do j=1,ndi dstres(i)=dstres(i)+d(i,j)*dstran(j) end do if ( then do j=1,nshr dstres(i)=dstres(i)+d(i,j+3)*dstran(j+ndi) end do end if do j=1,nslptl dstres(i)=dstres(i)-ddemsd(i,j)*dgamma(j) end do end do if ( then do i=1,nshr do j=1,ndi dstres(i+ndi)=dstres(i+ndi)+d(i+3,j)*dstran(j) end do do j=1,nshr dstres(i+ndi)=dstres(i+ndi)+d(i+3,j+3)*dstran(j+ndi) end do do j=1,nslptl dstres(i+ndi)=dstres(i+ndi)-ddemsd(i+3,j)*dgamma(j) end do end do end if C-----Update the stress: STRESS do i=1,ntens stress(i)=stress(i)+dstres(i)-dsold(i) end do C-----Increment of normal to a slip plane and a slip direction do j=1,nslptl do i=1,3 dspnor(i,j)=0. dspdir(i,j)=0. do k=1,3 dspnor(i,j)=dspnor(i,j)-slpnor(k,j)*dvgrad(k,i) dspdir(i,j)=dspdir(i,j)+slpdir(k,j)*dvgrad(i,k) end do end do end do C-----Update the normal to a slip plane and a slip direction idnor=3*nslptl iddir=6*nslptl do j=1,nslptl do i=1,3 idnor=idnor+1 statev(idnor)=statev(idnor)+dspnor(i,j)-dspnro(i,j) iddir=iddir+1 statev(iddir)=statev(iddir)+dspdir(i,j)-dspdro(i,j) end do end do C-----Derivative of shear strain increment in a slip system w.r.t. C strain increment: DDGDDE term1=theta*dtime do i=1,ntens do j=1,nslptl tauslp=statev(2*nslptl+j) if(j>=13.and.tauslp<=0)then yield=1.e6 else yield=statev(j) endif gslip=yield x=tauslp/gslip term2=term1*dfdxsp(j)/gslip if (i.le.ndi) then ddgdde(j,i)=term2*ddemsd(i,j) else ddgdde(j,i)=term2*ddemsd(i-ndi+3,j) end if end do call lubksb (workst, nslptl, 18, indx, ddgdde(1,i)) end do C-----Derivative of stress increment w.r.t. strain increment C-----Jacobian matrix: elastic part do j=1,ntens do i=1,ntens ddsdde(i,j)=0. end do end do do j=1,ndi do i=1,ndi ddsdde(i,j)=d(i,j) ddsdde(i,j)=ddsdde(i,j)-stress(i) end do end do if ( then do j=1,nshr do i=1,nshr ddsdde(i+ndi,j+ndi)=d(i+3,j+3) end do do i=1,ndi ddsdde(i,j+ndi)=d(i,j+3) ddsdde(j+ndi,i)=d(j+3,i) ddsdde(j+ndi,i)=ddsdde(j+ndi,i)-stress(j+ndi) end do end do end if C-----Jacobian matrix: plastic part (slip) do j=1,ndi do i=1,ndi do k=1,nslptl ddsdde(i,j)=ddsdde(i,j)-ddemsd(i,k)*ddgdde(k,j) end do end do end do if ( then do j=1,nshr do i=1,nshr do k=1,nslptl ddsdde(i+ndi,j+ndi)=ddsdde(i+ndi,j+ndi)- 2 ddemsd(i+3,k)*ddgdde(k,j+ndi) end do end do do i=1,ndi do k=1,nslptl ddsdde(i,j+ndi)=ddsdde(i,j+ndi)- 2 ddemsd(i,k)*ddgdde(k,j+ndi) ddsdde(j+ndi,i)=ddsdde(j+ndi,i)- 2 ddemsd(j+3,k)*ddgdde(k,i) end do end do end do end if do j=1,ntens do i=1,ntens ddsdde(i,j)=ddsdde(i,j)/(1.+dev) end do end do C-----Save solutions (without iteration): if (nitrtn.eq.0) then idnor=3*nslptl iddir=6*nslptl do j=1,nslptl tauslp=statev(2*nslptl+j) if(j>=13.and.tauslp<=0)then yield=1.e6 else yield=statev(j) endif fslip1(j)=fslip(j) gslp1(j)=yield gamma1(j)=statev(nslptl+j) tausp1(j)=statev(2*nslptl+j) do i=1,3 idnor=idnor+1 spnor1(i,j)=statev(idnor) iddir=iddir+1 spdir1(i,j)=statev(iddir) end do end do do j=1,ntens stres1(j)=stress(j) do i=1,ntens ddsde1(i,j)=ddsdde(i,j) end do end do end if C-----Increments of stress DSOLD, and solution dependent state C variables DGAMOD, DTAUOD, DGSPOD, DSPNRO, DSPDRO (for the next C iteration) do i=1,ntens dsold(i)=dstres(i) end do do j=1,nslptl dgamod(j)=dgamma(j) dtauod(j)=dtausp(j) dgspod(j)=dgslip(j) do i=1,3 dspnro(i,j)=dspnor(i,j) dspdro(i,j)=dspdir(i,j) end do end do C-----Check if the iteration solution converges idback=0 do j=1,nslptl tauslp=statev(2*nslptl+j) if(j>=13.and.tauslp<=0)then yield=1.e6 else yield=statev(j) endif x=statev(2*nslptl+j)/yield temp=(abs(x))**(50) f=adot*temp*dsign(1.d0,x) residu=theta*dtime*f+dtime*(1.0-theta)* 2 fslip1(j)-dgamma(j) if (abs(residu).gt.gamerr) idback=1 end do if ( then do i=1,nslptl gamma(i)=statev(nslptl+1) enddo gamtol=statev(9*nslptl+1) do iself = 1,nslptl do kderiv = 1,nslptl dhdgdg(iself,kderiv) = 0. do latent = 1,nslptl if(ictype == 1)then c FCC term1 = props(12)*gamtol/ * (props(11)-props(10)) term2 = 2.*exp(-term1)/ * (1.+exp(-2.*term1)) term3 = props(12)/(props(11)-props(10)) * *dsign(1.d0,gamma(kderiv)) dhlatn = -2.*props(12)*term2**2 * *tanh(term1)*term3 else C BASAL if(iself <= 3)then dhlatn = 0. C PRISM elseif(iself <= 6)then if(latent <= 12)then q = 0.2 else q = 0.5 endif if(iself == latent)q = 1. hlatnt = q*props(15)*(1.d0-(props(13)/ * props(14)))*exp(-props(15)*(gamtol/ * props(14))) dhlatn = q*(-props(15)/props(14))* * dsign(1.d0,gamma(kderiv))*hlatnt C PYRM elseif(iself <= 12)then if(latent <= 6)then q = 1. elseif(latent <= 12)then q = 0.2 else q = 0.25 endif if(iself == latent)q = 1. hlatnt = q*props(18)*(1.d0-(props(16)/ * props(17)))*exp(-props(18)*(gamtol/ * props(17))) dhlatn = q*(-props(18)/props(17))* * dsign(1.d0,gamma(kderiv))*hlatnt C TWIN else if(latent <= 6)then q = 1. else q = 0.2 endif if(iself == latent)q = 1. if(gamtol <= props(21))then dhlatn = 0. else dhlatn = q*dsign(1.d0,gamma(kderiv))* * (props(20)/(props(21)**(props(22)-1.))) * *(props(22)-1.)*(gamtol**(props(22)-2.)) endif endif endif dhdgdg(iself,kderiv) = * dhdgdg(iself,kderiv)+dhlatn* * abs(dgamod(latent)) end do enddo end do go to 1000 elseif ( then C-----Solution not converge within maximum number of iteration (the C solution without iteration will be used) do j=1,ntens stress(j)=stres1(j) do i=1,ntens ddsdde(i,j)=ddsde1(i,j) end do end do idnor=3*nslptl iddir=6*nslptl do j=1,nslptl statev(j)=gslp1(j) statev(nslptl+j)=gamma1(j) statev(2*nslptl+j)=tausp1(j) do i=1,3 idnor=idnor+1 statev(idnor)=spnor1(i,j) iddir=iddir+1 statev(iddir)=spdir1(i,j) end do end do end if C-----Total cumulative shear strains on all slip systems (sum of the C absolute values of shear strains in all slip systems) do i=1,nslptl statev(9*nslptl+1)=statev(9*nslptl+1)+abs(dgamma(i)) end do return end c---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine ludcmp (a, n, np, indx, d) c include '' parameter (nmax=200, tiny=1.0e-20) dimension a(np,np), indx(n), vv(nmax) d = 1.d0 do i = 1,n aamax = 0. do j = 1,n if (abs(a(i,j)).gt.aamax) aamax = abs(a(i,j)) end do if (aamax.eq.0.) pause 'singular matrix.' vv(i) = 1./aamax end do do j = 1,n do i = 1,j-1 sum = a(i,j) do k = 1,i-1 sum = sum-a(i,k)*a(k,j) end do a(i,j) = sum end do aamax = 0. do i = j,n sum = a(i,j) do k = 1,j-1 sum = sum-a(i,k)*a(k,j) end do a(i,j) = sum dum = vv(i)*abs(sum) if ( then imax = i aamax = dum end if end do if ( then do k = 1,n dum = a(imax,k) a(imax,k) = a(j,k) a(j,k) = dum end do d = -d vv(imax) = vv(j) end if indx(j) = imax if (a(j,j).eq.0.) a(j,j) = tiny if ( then dum = 1./a(j,j) do i = j+1,n a(i,j) = a(i,j)*dum end do end if end do return end C---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine lubksb (a, n, np, indx, b) c include '' dimension a(np,np), indx(n), b(n) ii = 0 do i = 1,n ll = indx(i) sum = b(ll) b(ll) = b(i) if ( then do j = ii,i-1 sum = sum-a(i,j)*b(j) end do else if ( then ii = i end if b(i) = sum end do do i = n,1,-1 sum = b(i) if ( then do j = i+1,n sum = sum-a(i,j)*b(j) end do end if b(i) = sum/a(i,i) end do return end C----------------------------------------------------------------------