subroutine uel(rhs,amatrx,svars,energy,ndofel,nrhs,nsvars, 1 props,nprops,coords,mcrd,nnode,u,du,v,a,jtype,time, 2 dtime,kstep,kinc,jelem,params,ndload,jdltyp,adlmag, 3 predef,npredf,lflags,mlvarx,ddlmag,mdload,pnewdt, 4 jprops,njprop,period) c include '' parameter ( zero = 0.d0, half = 0.5d0, one = 1.d0 ) c c This is a linear truss element for Abaqus/Standard c general static analysis in 1D space (aligned to x-axis) only. dimension rhs(mlvarx,*),amatrx(ndofel,ndofel), 1 svars(nsvars),energy(8),props(*),coords(mcrd,nnode), 2 u(ndofel),du(mlvarx,*),v(ndofel),a(ndofel),time(2), 3 params(3),jdltyp(mdload,*),adlmag(mdload,*), 4 ddlmag(mdload,*),predef(2,npredf,nnode),lflags(*), 5 jprops(*) c c assign section properties area = props(1) e = props(2) anu = props(3) rho = props(4) c calculate stiffness and mass alen = abs(coords(1,2)-coords(1,1)) ak = area*e/alen am = half*area*rho*alen c Initialize Arrays rhs = zero amatrx = zero if (lflags(3).eq.1) then C Stiffness and Force C Get Stiffness Matrix amatrx(1,1) = ak amatrx(4,4) = ak amatrx(1,4) = -ak amatrx(4,1) = -ak c Get Internal Contrib to Residual Force rhs(1,1) = -ak*(u(1)-u(4)) rhs(4,1) = -ak*(u(4)-u(1)) c Get External Contrib to Residual Force do kdload = 1, ndload if (jdltyp(kdload,1).eq.1001) then rhs(4,1) = rhs(4,1)+adlmag(kdload,1) end if end do else if (lflags(3).eq.2) then c Stiffness amatrx(1,1) = ak amatrx(4,4) = ak amatrx(1,4) = -ak amatrx(4,1) = -ak else if (lflags(3).eq.4) then c Mass do k1 = 1, ndofel amatrx(k1,k1) = am end do else if (lflags(3).eq.5) then print *,'oops' else if (lflags(3).eq.6) then C Mass and Force do k1 = 1, ndofel amatrx(k1,k1) = am end do rhs(1,1) = -ak*(u(1)-u(4)) rhs(4,1) = -ak*(u(4)-u(1)) END IF c return end