[project] name = "jgutils" version = "0.0.0" authors = [ { name="James Grogan", email="james@jmsgrogan.com" }, ] description = "A collection of tools for running my PC." readme = "README.md" requires-python = ">=3.8" classifiers = [ "Development Status :: 3 - Alpha", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3", "License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v3 or later (GPLv3+)", "Operating System :: OS Independent", "Topic :: System :: Distributed Computing" ] keywords = ["Personal tools and recipes"] dependencies = ["pydantic"] [project.urls] Repository = "https://git.jmsgrogan.com/jgrogan/recipes" Homepage = "https://jmsgrogan.com" [build-system] requires = ["setuptools>=61.0", "wheel"] build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta" [project.optional-dependencies] test = [ "pytest", "pytest-cov", "pytest-sugar", "black", "mypy", "flake8", "pylint" ] [project.scripts] jgutils = "jgutils.main_cli:main_cli" [tool.setuptools.package-data] "jgutils" = ["py.typed"] [tool.setuptools.packages.find] where = ["src"] [tool.mypy] ignore_missing_imports = true [tool.pytest.ini_options] testpaths = ["test",] log_cli = 1 log_cli_level = "debug" addopts = "--cov=jgutils --cov-report term --cov-report xml:coverage.xml --cov-report html" [tool.tox] legacy_tox_ini = """ [tox] requires = tox>=4 env_list = lint, type, style, py{311}, docs skip_missing_interpreters = true [testenv] description = run unit tests deps = pytest>=7 pytest-cov pytest-sugar commands = pytest {posargs:test} [testenv:lint] description = run linters skip_install = true deps = black commands = black {posargs:src} [testenv:style] description = run style check skip_install = true deps = flake8 commands = flake8 {posargs:src} [testenv:type] description = run type checks deps = mypy>=0.991 .[types] commands = mypy {posargs:src test} [testenv:docs] changedir = docs deps = sphinx commands = sphinx-build -W -b html -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees . {envtmpdir}/html """