# Emacs ## Base * `C-x C-s`: Save current file. * `C-x C-f`: Find or open file. ## Markdown [Module Reference](http://www.mplayerhq.hu/design7/news.html) * `C-c C-s 1`: Insert level one heading with hash delimiter. * `C-c C-c p`: Show preview in browser. * `C-c C-x l`: Toggle url hiding * `C-c C-x i`: Toggle inline images * `C-c C-x m`: Toggle markdown visibility * `S-Tab`: Toggle global visibility * `TAB`: Toggle local header visibility ## Evil [Reference card](https://michaelgoerz.net/refcards/vimqrc.pdf) * `CTRL- {D, U, F, B}`: Scroll down/up by half or full page * `zt zz zb`: Scroll current line to top, centre, bottom * `0 $`: Move to beginning or end of line * `{ }`: Move to beginning or end of paragraph * `h l j k`: Character left, right, up, down * `y p`: Yank (copy) or paste ## Magit [Reference card](https://magit.vc/manual/magit-refcard.pdf) * `CTRL-x g`: Status buffer * `S`: Stage all changes * `c`: Start a commit * `C-c C-c`: Finish a commit * `P`: Start a push * `u`: Push to origin ## Auctex ## Org Mode ## https://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org4beginners.html * `TAB/S-TAB`: Fold/Unfold * `M-up/down`: move headline up/down * `M-left/right`: promote or demote headline * `M-RET`: add new headline ## Treemacs ## https://github.com/Alexander-Miller/treemacs * `C-c C-w s`: Switch workspace ## Lsp Mode ## ### Python ### Install language LSP server: ``` brew install python-lsp-server ``` ## Further Reading ## * [Markdown Mode Book - Plaintext](https://github.com/jrblevin/markdown-mode-guide/blob/master/manuscript/guide.txt) * [Emacs config for publishing](https://github.com/pprevos/emacs-writing-studio) * [Emacs reference card](https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/refcards/pdf/refcard.pdf) * [Yasnippet repo](https://github.com/joaotavora/yasnippet) * [Emacs Python](https://realpython.com/emacs-the-best-python-editor/) * [Effective Emacs](https://sites.google.com/site/steveyegge2/effective-emacs) * [Latex with emacs](https://michaelneuper.com/posts/efficient-latex-editing-with-emacs/)