# NotesTK Notes Toolkit (NotesTK) is a set of tools for building applications focused on taking and organising notes, like study or research materials. ## Project Goals * Cross-platform - Currently targets Linux and Windows, Mac is planned. * Low dependencies - Depends on as few third-party libraries as possible. * Clean licensing - APIs may be similar to other libraries for compatibility but implementations are built from scratch. * Code re-use - If distinct areas depend on a similar routine implement it only once. ## Project Status The codebase is at a very early/prototype stage and under heavy active development. It is strongly recommended to only use it as a reading reference. Expect: * No Docs or tagged releases * Misleadingly named and broken APIs * Large commits and significant breaking changes * Naive/low-performance implementations of things that haved worked just fine in other libraries for years The only currently recommended use case is if you are implementing some element of the library functionality, have exhasuted existing online tutorials and want to see how someone else has tackled it (bearing in mind the copyleft licensing below). ## License This project is dual-licensed under the copyleft AGPL with a commercial licensing option. If using this code in your own project make sure you are aware of the implications of copyleft and AGPL. See the `LICENSE` file in this repository for more details, including contact details. # Build Dependencies ## Linux ### Minimal ```bash sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake ``` ### Optional #### Audio ```bash sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev ``` #### Image Formats ```bash sudo apt-get install libpng-dev ``` #### Window rendering ```bash sudo apt-get install libwayland-dev wayland-protocols libx11-dev libxkbcommon-dev libxkbcommon-x11-dev libx11-xcb-dev libxcb-image0-dev ``` We need to generate suitable xdg shell c code for wayland: ```bash mkdir $WORK_DIR cd $WORK_DIR wayland-scanner private-code < /usr/share/wayland-protocols/stable/xdg-shell/xdg-shell.xml > xdg-shell-protocol.cpp wayland-scanner client-header < /usr/share/wayland-protocols/stable/xdg-shell/xdg-shell.xml > xdg-shell-client-protocol.h export WAYLAND_EXTENSION_DIR=$WORK_DIR ``` In `xdg-shell-protocol.cpp` - we need access to `xdg_wm_base_interface` so export it also `extern const struct wl_interface xdg_wm_base_interface;` as per similar interface structs. #### 3D Rendering ```bash sudo apt-get install libgl-dev libegl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libglm-dev ``` #### fonts ```bash sudo apt-get install libfreetype-dev ``` # Build from Source ## Linux ```bash mkdir build cd build cmake $PATH_TO_SOURCE make apps/$NAME_OF_APP ```