2024-05-31 11:35:23 +01:00

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This repo has some scripts and small notes for setting up development ennvironments
# Mac
## Multimedia
* [mplayer](
``` shell
brew install mplayer
## [Gnu Stow](
Gnu Stow is a symlink manager that can be used to manager program configuration files or 'dotfiles'.
``` shell
brew install stow
## [Amethyst](
Tiling window manager that doesn't need too heavy permissions.
## Keyboard Shortcuts
### Desktop
* `CMD-m`: Minimize focused app.
* `CMD-q`: Kill the focused app.
* `CMD-TAB`: Iterate apps in dock with arrows. Hold `OPT` when releasing to open.
* `CTRL-CMD-q`: Lock Screen
### Amethys
* `OPT-SHIFT-k`: Move focus ccw (j for cw)
* `OPT-SHIFT-p`: Move focus to ccw screen (n for cw)
* `CTRL-OPT-SHIFT-h`: Swap screens ccw (l for c)
### Safari
* Arrow keys: Scroll
* `OPT-Arrow`: Fast scroll
* `SHIFT-CMD-]`: Next or previous tab
* `CMD-t`: New tab
* `CMD-w`: Close active tab
* `CMD-[`: Previous or next page
* `CTRL-CMD-1`: Toggle bookmark view
### Emacs
#### Base
* `C-x C-s`: Save current file.
* `C-x C-f`: Find or open file.
#### Markdown
[Module Reference](
* `C-c C-s 1`: Insert level one heading with hash delimiter.
#### Evil
[Reference card](
* `CTRL- {D, U, F, B}`: Scroll down/up by half or full page
* `zt zz zb`: Scroll current line to top, centre, bottom
* `{ }`: Move to beginning or end of paragraph
* `h l j k`: Character left, right, up, down
#### Magit
[Reference card](
* `CTRL-x g`: Status buffer
* `S`: Stage all changes
* `c`: Start a commit
* `C-c C-c`: Finish a commit
* `P`: Start a push
* `u`: Push to origin
# Copyright
The contents of this repo are Copyright James Grogan 2024. Software is licensed under the AGPL. See the included LICENSE file for details.