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# Computational micromechanics of bioabsorbable magnesium stents
Journal Article:
Supporting Data - including original software versions:
If you don't have access to the paper the content is very similar to that in my thesis section 5.4, available for download at:
# Running simulations
## Abaqus User Material ##
The Abaqus UMAT `UCrys_HCP_Only.for` is used for the simulations in the paper.
In the UMAT we assume a cartesian `GLOBAL` axis for the overall problem and a cartesian `LOCAL` axis to define the orientation of the crystal. Via input properties (`PROPS`) 3-5 and 6-8 we specify the directions of the `LOCAL` x and y axes in the `GLOBAL` coordinate system, assuming an orthogonal `LOCAL` z axis given by the cross-product with 'right hand rule'.
A sample input file `MATERIAL` specification is shown for the UMAT:
which sets the 22 input properties. These propeties are as follows:
``` fortran
c 1) Elastic Modulus
c 2) Poisson's ratio
c 3) x-axis orientaion in GLOBAL, x-coord
c 4) x-axis orientation in GLOBAL, y-coord
c 5) x-axis orientation in GLOBAL, z-coord
c 6) y-axis orientation in GLOBAL, x-coord
c 7) y-axis orientation in GLOBAL, y-coord
c 8) y-axis orientation in GLOBAL, z-coord
c 9) Crystal type: 1-4. FCC=1, HCP=2,3,4 (+Pyr, +Twin)
c 10) Initial slip system strength FCC or HCP Basal
c 11) FCC Hardening param
c 12) FCC/HCp Basal hardening param
c 13) Initial slip system strength HCP Prismatic
c 14) Prismatic hardening param
c 15) Prismatic hardening param
c 16) Initial slip system strength HCP Pyramidal
c 17) Pyramidal hardening param
c 18) Pyramidal hardening param
c 19) Initial slip system strength HCP Twin
c 20) Twin system hardening param
c 21) Twin system hardening param
c 22) Twin system hardening param
## Channel Die Simulations ##
The channel die simulations described in the paper use `CDIE_1E.inp` as an input file.
![Channel Die Simulation Schematic](ChannelDie.png)
Loading and constraint directions are described via [Miller-Bravais]( indices, which are (informally) a way to describe directions in the crystal lattice, and can be regarded as the inverted intersection coordinates of planes described in crystal-specific coordinate systems.
For the HCP material here four axes are used, three (`a_1`, `a_2`, `a_3`) are on one of the crystal basal planes with equal angles between them (120 degrees) and the fourth (`c`) is normal to the basal plane. Thus we have three coordinate systems in total:
* the HCP lattice system via MB indices
* the cartesian crystal local `LOCAL` system
* the `GLOBAL` system.
In the simulated experiment the die is always closed in the `GLOBAL` (negative) z direction via this boundary condition in the INP file:
** Name: BC-4 Type: Displacement/Rotation
*Boundary, amplitude=Amp-1
Set-2, 1, 1, -1.
while another direction allows the the material to freely deform (`GLOBAL` x or y, not sure which).
To replicate the series of channel die simulations, with loading and constraint directions shown in the table below:
| Simulation | Load Direction | Constraint Direction |
| --- | --- | --- |
| A | `[0001]` | `[101^0]` |
| B | `[0001]` | `[12^10]` |
| C | `[101^0]` | `[0001]` |
| D | `[12^10]` | `[0001]` |
| E | `[101^0]` | `[12^10]` |
| F | `[12^10]` | `[101^1]` |
we thus need to determine suitable crystal input orientation parameters for each test, so that the crystal is loaded and constrainted accoring to the described Miller-Bravais indices.
### Determing UMAT properties for crystal orientation ###
Taking the first case as an example, load direction `[0 0 0 1]` means the loading will happen along the `c` axis of the crystal (or perpendicular to the basal plane). This contrains the crystal local `x` and `y` axes to be normal to the global `z` direction `(0, 0, 1)`.
The constraint direction `[1 0 1_bar 0]` is on a plane that intercepts the hcp crystal 'a_1' axis at '1' and its 'a_3' axis at '-1'. Assuming the a_1 axis is equivalent to the crystal local x-axis, then the a_3 axis is a 240 degree rotation around the crystal local z-axis. Moving in the negative direction on the a_3 axis corresponds to a (240-180=) 60 degree rotation around the z axis, and talking the midway point (since we are moving 1 and -1 along each axis) means a 30 degree rotation about 'z'. Thus, if we want to constrain the crystal in the `[1 0 1_bar 0]` direction relative to a global constraint in the x direction we would need to rotate it by -30 degrees about the global z.